• I use PP checkout,

    I tried https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/#update-a-payment-gateway with id “ppec_paypal” but with my input. I got 200 response but it doesn’t work.
    This is my body request

    {"settings": {
        "title": {
          "id": "title",
          "label": "Title",
          "description": "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.",
          "type": "text",
          "value": "",
          "default": "PayPal",
          "tip": "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.",
          "placeholder": ""
        "api_username": {
          "id": "api_username",
          "label": "Live API Username",
          "description": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
          "type": "text",
          "value": "***********",
          "default": "",
          "tip": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
          "placeholder": ""
        "api_password": {
          "id": "api_password",
          "label": "Live API Password",
          "description": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
          "type": "password",
          "value": "************",
          "default": "",
          "tip": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
          "placeholder": ""
        "api_signature": {
          "id": "api_signature",
          "label": "Live API Signature",
          "description": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
          "type": "text",
          "value": "****************",
          "default": "",
          "tip": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
          "placeholder": "Optional if you provide a certificate below"
        "api_certificate": {
          "id": "api_certificate",
          "label": "Live API Certificate",
          "description": "No API certificate on file.",
          "type": "file",
          "value": "",
          "default": "",
          "tip": "No API certificate on file.",
          "placeholder": ""
        "api_subject": {
          "id": "api_subject",
          "label": "Live API Subject",
          "description": "If you're processing transactions on behalf of someone else's PayPal account, enter their email address or Secure Merchant Account ID (also known as a Payer ID) here. Generally, you must have API permissions in place with the other account in order to process anything other than \"sale\" transactions for them.",
          "type": "text",
          "value": "",
          "default": "",
          "tip": "If you're processing transactions on behalf of someone else's PayPal account, enter their email address or Secure Merchant Account ID (also known as a Payer ID) here. Generally, you must have API permissions in place with the other account in order to process anything other than \"sale\" transactions for them.",
          "placeholder": "Optional"

    Any help with body request?


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