Great question—I spent a lot of time on the update/create aspects of the API and I’m excited to share my usage examples with you. I’ve created a video explaining the following code, you can check it out at
In case it’s not obvious to all reading this: The Airpress API is the underlying functionality *only* available via PHP coding. If you’re not comfortable editing your PHP theme files, then this isn’t for you. Thanks!
define("CONFIG_ID",0); // OR
// usage: AirpressQuery($tableName, CONFIG_ID or CONFIG_NAME)
$query = new AirpressQuery("Cuisines", CONFIG_ID);
$query->filterByFormula("{Name} = 'Burgers'");
$cuisines = new AirpressCollection($query);
// usage: $AirpressCollection->populateRelatedField($columnName,$relatedTableName)
$cuisines->populateRelatedField("Restaurants", "Restaurants");
if ( is_airpress_empty($cuisines) ){
die("Nothing to update");
// We only expected/wanted a single cuisine record but
// we wanted all the restaurants linked to that cuisine
$burger_joints = $cuisines[0]["Restaurants"];
if ( ! is_airpress_empty($burger_joints) ){
foreach($burger_joints as $restaurant){
// There may or may not be anything we want to update!
$fields_to_update = array();
if ($restaurant["Status"] != "Visited"){
$fields_to_update["Status"] = "Visited";
$fields_to_update["Reservation On"] = date("c",strtotime("yesterday"));
// This is so that we're not REsending ALL
// the records fields each time—if there's
// no fields to update, then don't do it.
if ( ! empty($fields_to_update) ){
// Note that Cuisine is provided as a record ID wrapped in an array. ALL airtable related
// records are arrays, even if it's a ONE-to-ONE relationship. That's just how they do it.
$new_burger_joint_array = array("Name" => "Fat Joe's Famous Burger Joint","Cuisine" => array($cuisines[0]->record_id()));
$new_burger_joint_record = $burger_joints->createRecord($new_burger_joint_array);
echo $new_burger_joint_record->record_id(); // Will output the newly created record ID
echo "<br>";
echo $new_burger_joint_record["Name"]; // Will output Fat Joe's...
echo "<br>";
// OR if you don't want to have to use a collection:
$new_burger_joint_data = AirpressConnect::create(CONFIG_ID,"Restaurants",$new_burger_joint_array);
$new_query = new AirpressQuery("Restaurants",CONFIG_ID);
$new_collection = new AirpressCollection($new_query,false);
$new_burger_joint_record = $new_collection[0];
echo $new_burger_joint_record->record_id(); // Will output the newly created record ID
echo "<br>";
echo $new_burger_joint_record["Name"]; // Will output Fat Joe's...