Step 1 – Check your current PHP version
First, you need to check what PHP version you are currently using. Please wait with updating until step 5 in this guide.
Log into the control panel.
Click PHP & Database – MariaDB.
Scroll down to Update PHP version.
Check what version you are currently using.
If you are using PHP version 7.1 or higher, then you are all good. If you have PHP 5.6 or 7.0, you need to update.
Step 2 – Update WordPress to the newest version
Make sure that WordPress core and all your themes and plugins are updated to the latest version.
Log in to your WordPress Admin.
Click Dashboard > Updates.
Check that you have the latest version of WordPress (core) installed and that all plugins and themes are up to date. Update if needed.
Step 3 – Install the plugin “PHP Compatibility Checker”
Go to Plugins in your WordPress Admin.
Click Add plugin at the top of the screen.
Search for PHP Compatibility Checker in the search field to the right.
Install the plugin; it gets activated right away.
Step 4 – Run a scan and fix potential issues
Go to Tools in WordPress Admin and select PHP Compatibility.
Select PHP 7.2, check the box for “Scan all plugins and themes” and click Scan site.
Wait until the scan is finished.
You can have three results:
– Compatible = all is good!
– Warning = it should work, but might give problems with the next PHP version.
– Error = not so good, will likely cause problems after updating.
Fix any plugins or themes that give errors; either by updating it to a newer version or by finding an alternative plugin that has the same functionality.
Step 5 – Update PHP to the latest version
You are now ready to update PHP. I also recommend to turn on PHP error messages at the same time. If there is an issue with the code, error messages tell you what is causing it and where it is located.
Go back to PHP & Database – MariaDB in the control panel.
Scroll down to PHP error messages.
Set the error messages to On and click Update.
Directly below this, please change the version to 7.2 and click Update.
Step 6 – Verify that your site is working as expected
After you have updated the PHP version, it will take at least 20 minutes before the changes are in effect. If you have a site with a lot of visitors, it can easily take several hours. That’s why I recommend checking your site a couple of times during the next 24 hours.