Hi, like I said. Updating themes and it came up with the message that it couldn’t finish the update because of a missing or corrupted style sheet. Why? I don’t know. The site worked fine. It wouldn’t work if the style sheet was missing or corrupted before the update…
Anyway, I fixed the problem by downloading the Zerif Lite theme zip again and installed it. Except for a few settings and customized standard theme parts that were set back to original, I got it working again. But believe me, it was quit a shock at first.
Updating only concerned the themes. No plugin updating involved at the same time.
Versions ResponsiveBoat 1.1.4
Child theme Zerif Lite 2.0.4
Login Page Styler 3.1.5
Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack 2.1
TinyMCE Advanced 4.4.1
WP Galerij Custom Links 1.11
Cache isn’t the issue because my settings are set on: loading new on every visit (or something like that)
Thanks anyway for response. I’ll keep caution when updating themes again and do one at the time instead of marking all and update. Maybe that involved each others style sheet and got in each others way (overwrite?)
Greetz, Michel