Hi @mconte, @charlietech
@charlietech please update your theme to make it compatible to bp 1.7.
Add in your functions.php this code
add_theme_support( 'buddypress' );
Read this for more information :
Thanks for feedback @mconte, it’s true , when the plugin bp is updated to 1.7
and the current theme is not updated to bp 1.7(add_theme_support( ‘buddypress’ ) was not added to functions.php).
i was add new test, is to check if theme tags containt the tag ‘buddypress’.
i will update the function bp_follow_is_bp_default to this code :
// if active theme is BP Default or a child theme, then we return true
// If the Buddypress version is < 1.7, then return true too
if(current_theme_supports('buddypress') || in_array( 'bp-default', array( get_stylesheet(), get_template() ) ) || ( defined( 'BP_VERSION' ) && version_compare( BP_VERSION, '1.7', '<' ) ))
return true;
else {
// check to see if the 'buddypress' tag is in the theme
// some bp themes are not yet compatible to bp 1.7 but the plugin is updated
// get current theme
$theme = wp_get_theme();
// get current theme's tags
$theme_tags = ! empty( $theme->tags ) ? $theme->tags : array();
// or if stylesheet is 'bp-default'
$backpat = in_array( 'buddypress', $theme_tags );
return true;
return false;