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  • Thread Starter jondcruz


    Diagnostic Info:

    WordPress: 6.0.2
    Web Server: Apache/2.4.54 ()
    PHP: 8.0.20
    MySQL: 10.6.8
    ext/mysqli: yes
    PHP Memory Limit: 512M
    WP Memory Limit: 512M
    Memory Usage: 32 MB
    Blocked External HTTP Requests: None
    WP Locale: en_US
    Organize offloads by month/year: Enabled
    WP_DEBUG: Yes
    WP Max Upload Size: 100 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 60
    PHP Error Log: /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log
    WP Cron: Disabled
    fsockopen: Enabled
    allow_url_fopen: Enabled
    OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017
    cURL: 7.79.1
    Zlib Compression: Enabled
    PHP GD: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    Imagick: Disabled
    Basic Auth: Disabled
    Proxy: Disabled

    Media Files: 8,276
    Offloaded Media Files: 8,258
    Not Offloaded Media Files: 18

    Number of Image Sizes: 9

    Names and Dimensions of Image Sizes:
    thumbnail (150×150)
    medium (300×300)
    large (1024×1024)
    1536×1536 (1536×1536)
    2048×2048 (2048×2048)
    woocommerce_thumbnail (300×300)
    woocommerce_single (600×0)
    woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail (100×100)

    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/html/wp-content
    UPLOADS: Not defined
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins

    AS3CF_PROVIDER: Not defined
    AS3CF_BUCKET: Not defined
    AS3CF_REGION: Not defined
    AS3CF_SETTINGS: Defined
    AS3CF_SETTINGS Keys: access-key-id, secret-access-key

    Local URL:
    Offload URL:

    OME Metadata Version: 12

    Custom tables:
    wp_as3cf_items: Ok

    Storage Provider: Amazon S3
    Use Server Roles: Off
    Key File Path: N/A
    Access Keys Set: Yes
    Access Key ID Define: DBI_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    Secret Access Key Define: DBI_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

    Region: us-west-2
    Block All Public Access: Disabled
    Object Ownership Enforced: No

    Copy Files to Bucket: On
    Enable Path: Off
    Custom Path: wp-media/
    Use Year/Month: On
    Object Versioning: On

    Delivery Provider: Other
    Rewrite Media URLs: On
    Enable Custom Domain (CNAME): On
    Custom Domain (CNAME):

    Force HTTPS: On

    Remove Files From Server: On

    Active Theme Name:
    Active Theme Version:
    Active Theme Folder: ieeecs-dx-theme

    Active Plugins:
    ACF to REST API (v3.3.3) by Aires Gon?alves
    Advanced Custom Fields PRO (v6.0.2) by WP Engine
    All in One SEO Pro (v4.2.6) by All in One SEO Team
    Category to Pages WUD (v2.4.7) by Danny WUD
    Custom Permalinks (v2.4.0) by Sami Ahmed Siddiqui
    Gravity Forms (v2.6.7) by Gravity Forms
    Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types (v3.1.27) by Gravity Wiz
    JWT Authentication for WP-API (v1.3.0) by Enrique Chavez
    Maintenance (v4.06) by WebFactory Ltd
    Max Mega Menu (v2.9.8) by
    Max Mega Menu – Pro Addon (v2.2.7) by
    OpenID Connect Generic (v3.9.1) by daggerhart
    Popup Maker (v1.16.9) by Popup Maker
    PublishPress Capabilities (v2.5.2) by PublishPress
    Query Monitor (v3.10.1) by John Blackbourn
    Smart Slider 3 Pro (v3.5.1.11) by Nextend
    Timber (v1.20.0) by Jared Novack + Upstatement
    WP Crontrol (v1.14.0) by John Blackbourn & crontributors
    WP Gravity Forms Salesforce Pro (v1.3.6) by CRM Perks.
    WP Mail SMTP Pro (v3.6.1) by WPForms
    WP Offload Media Lite (v3.0.2) by Delicious Brains
    WooCommerce (v6.9.4) by Automattic
    WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips (v3.2.0) by WP Overnight
    WordPress Importer (v0.8) by wordpressdotorg
    Yoast Duplicate Post (v4.5) by Enrico Battocchi & Team Yoast

    Must-use Plugins:
    General Must-Use Functionality – IEEE Computer Society (v) by IEEE Computer Society

    Thread Starter jondcruz


    I’ve just created a test page that has 5 instances of the same image URL.

    In all 5 instances, I’m rendering the same image URL in a different ACF control.

    In the WP Post ACF controls, all images point to the AWS CDN of:

    The ACF controls and their setups:

    ACF WYSIWYG Control
    – The image Renders
    – It shows the correct AWS CDN URL in the source.

    ACF Text Area – In an ACF Clone
    – Image is broken.
    – URL has been converted to local –

    ACF WYSIWYG – In an ACF Clone
    – Image is broken.
    – URL has been converted to local –

    Added via the WP “Media Library” in the ACF Image control
    – The image Renders
    – It shows the correct AWS CDN URL in the source.

    ACF Text Area (Not in Clone)
    – The image Renders
    – It shows the correct AWS CDN URL in the source.

    Question: What mechanism changes the URL from what’s in the Post to what is rendered in the browser page?

    I’ve deactivated the “WP Offload Media Lite” plugin and all URLs that are initially in the Post are then rendered in the browser page. So there’s some “conversion” code that is not converting the correct URL for the ACF cloned fields.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by jondcruz.
    Plugin Author Delicious Brains


    If you select/paste an offload URL into a post’s content or ACF fields, it will be rewritten back to the local URL before being saved into the database for maximum compatibility with WP.

    When the post is displayed to a site visitor (or editor), then any local URLs recognized as matching an offloaded item will be rewritten to the offload URL so that they display properly.

    From what you’re saying, the rewrite back to local seems to be working ok, but the display on the frontend is not working.

    Taking the hero image as an example, how is the following bit of inline CSS being generated?

    .customContainerStyle {
        background: url("") 50% no-repeat;  padding: 30px 0 30px 0 !important;


    Thread Starter jondcruz


    That is coming from an ACF field.

    That WP Post has an ACF Field Group that uses the ACF “Clone” type.

    Example ACF Group in use:

    field1 type = text
    field2 type = textarea
    field3 type = select
    field4 type = Clone

    field1 type = text
    field2 type = select

    The URL for the image is being placed in the “field1” of the Clone.

    In all of my tests, I’m noticing that an ACF on the “root” level, (non-Clone), will render fine. ACF Text, TextArea, and Images render as expected.

    Anything that is persisted in an ACF Clone field will not render.

    Rolling back to the v2.6.2 has fixed the issue, with the same code now rendering the image that is broken in v3.0.2



    Plugin Author Delicious Brains


    Hey @jondcruz,

    Excellent information, thank you!

    What’s weird is that WP Offload Media Lite 2.6.2 does not have support for ACF, the URL rewriting must be working via a more generic content filter.

    Which begs the question, if that’s how things are working in OME 2.6.2, why is the fallback content filtering being bypassed in OME Lite 3.0? And why is the new support for ACF there not doing the expected text field URL rewriting on a cloned field anyway? (checked with the ACF devs, being a clone shouldn’t matter for our filters)

    Please can you give us an example of how the cloned fields are being rendered?

    Just a snippet that shows how the clone field values are grabbed, and where the grabbed data is being output?

    Any information about the context of that code snippet might be useful too. E.g. is happening on the back of any particular hook? In a theme template file?


    Thread Starter jondcruz


    Hello IJ

    Sure, here’s how we render our content:

    Environment (FYI)
    WordPress 6.0.2
    PHP 8.0
    AWS EC2 (Amazon Linux 2)
    Apache 2.4

    WordPress Setup
    * We use the Timber plugin v1.20.0 and Twig for our templating language
    * We use home grown WordPress templates that are your typical, standard PHP page templates, but they will use Twig to render the page.

    Example, in the PHP file:
    $context = Timber::get_context();

    – All PHP code to populate variables that are needed in the Twig template.
    – Some variables come from the Page $post object, and some from that $post ACF fields.
    – Ex.
    – Variables then go into the “$context”.
    $context[‘customContainerStyle’] = get_field(‘customContainerStyle’, $post_id);

    Timber::render( “v2/templateNameHere.twig”, $context );

    Twig Use of $context, and ACF variables
    .customContainerStyle {
    {{ customContainerStyle }}

    ACF Group Setup
    Pretty much the same setup as mentioned earlier in this ticket.

    That’s pretty much it. Nothing special, just Twig rendering some ACF values.

    Let me know if you need any other details/info.



    Thread Starter jondcruz


    Actually, re-reading my response right now and here’s some other details that might help:

    In the WP PHP template file, again just your standard WP PHP custom page template:

    $context = Timber::get_context();
    if ( !$post_id ) {
      $post = new TimberPost();
    } else {
      $post = Timber::query_post();
    $context['post'] = $post;

    You can see that I’m passing the WP $post object in the Timber/Twig $context.

    Then, in the same PHP file, that $context is passed to the Timber “render” function and therefore the Twig template:

    Timber::render( "v2/pageTemplateNameHere.twig", $context );

    This lets me do something like this in the Twig template:

        .anchorJumpPointMobile {
          display: block;
          position: relative;
          top: -40px;
          visibility: hidden;
        .navItemActiveLink {
        {{ post.navItems_styleSelectedLink }}
        .navItemRegular {
        {{ post.navItems_styleRegular }}
        .navItemSelected {
        {{ post.navItems_styleSelected }}
        .customContainerStyle {
        {{ post.customContainerStyle }}
        .standardContainerStyle {
        {{ post.standardContainerStyle }}
        .floatingNav::-webkit-scrollbar {
          display: none;

    Those $post variables are either the native Post fields, or Post ACFs.

    Hope that helps.


    Plugin Author Delicious Brains


    Hey @jondcruz,

    Straight after …

    $context[‘customContainerStyle’] = get_field(‘customContainerStyle’, $post_id);

    Could you temporarily add something like …

    error_log( print_r( $context['customContainerStyle'], true ) );

    Refresh the page, and then show us what is logged to debug.log?


    Thread Starter jondcruz


    Hello IJ

    Sure. Let me try that tomorrow, (Wed).

    Thread Starter jondcruz



    I apologize for the delayed response, but I’m able to get back to this issue, and have dug further into the root cause.

    I’ve created PHP, Twig, and ACF Group files that will allow you to reproduce the issue.

    I don’t see any area in this ticket UI to attach files, so I’ve placed all files in our Test CDN.

    PHP and Twig template files that can be used to reproduce what we’re seeing:

    ACF Group Export file, with 2 ACF Groups (Parent and Clone)

    Screenshot of Final Result with Broken Images

    Screenshot of the WordPress Post data

    We are using the following plugin versions:
    * Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin 6.1.3
    * Timber plugin 1.22.1
    * WP Offload Media Lite 3.2.1

    The PHP will setup two objects:
    * Timber\Post Object
    * WordPress Object (which then gives an array of ACFs)

    From the output (also in the PHP, as comments) you’ll see that the Timber Object values contain the local URL for the images, (

    The WordPress Object contains the CDN URLs for the images, (

    I’m still looking further into this, and will share what I find, but I wanted to at least restart this effort by sending the reproduce-files.

    Question: Is there a front-end JS script that will convert the Local URLs to their CDN equivalents?

    Another note to keep in mind, the Timber Object method has been used for almost 5 years now, so we’re thinking something changed in 3.x to change the conversion from Local to CDN URLs.

    Let me know if you have any questions or ideas.




    I’ve installed the same PHP, Twig, and ACF Groups on our Test environment, which currently has WP Offload Media Lite 2.6.2.

    We are using the following plugin versions:
    * Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin 6.1.3
    * Timber plugin 1.22.1
    * WP Offload Media Lite 2.6.2

    For comparison and if you wanted to View Source or inspect the page output.

    Thanks again.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by jondcruz.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by jondcruz.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by jondcruz.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by jondcruz.
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