• Resolved jjgouveia69


    After update Essential Addons for Elementor do version 3.1.4 the site crash with message: the site is experiencing technical difficulties.
    To solve the problem had to rename the folder of plugin. the site worked again

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • The same problem. Had to delete the plugin.

    Plugin Author Rafin


    @jjgouveia69 @manasek,

    Hey, guys. We are really sorry for the inconvenience. We have tested it from our side and it seems to be fine. So, it’s really difficult to say what caused the issue without proper investigation. Would you mind telling us whether you guys saw any particular error? Or can you provide me your System Info? Like PHP Version?

    In the meantime, you can try deleting the plugin from your FTP or cPanel. You can also download the previous version of Essential Addons as mentioned in this doc: https://essential-addons.com/elementor/docs/faq/roll-back-version-essential-addons/

    Then, you can install it on your website. Again, we are really sorry for the inconvenience caused. It will be resolved very quickly.

    I hope you understand. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Rafin.

    I did not see any particular error. I had to delete the plugin from my FTP.
    PHP 5.6
    ### wp-core ###

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    ### wp-plugins-active (33) ###

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    Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades: version: 2.0.1, author: Chris Jean
    Elementor: version: 2.6.6, author: Elementor.com
    Elementor Addon Elements: version: 1.5.3, author: WebTechStreet
    Featured Image by URL: version: 1.1.4, author: Knawat Team
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: version: 7.4.1, author: Automattic (latest version: 7.5.3)
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    Leaflet Map Widget: version: 0.1, author: WP-Plugin-Dev.com
    Maintenance: version: 3.6.3, author: fruitfulcode
    Posts Date Ranges: version: 2.2, author: Jaytesh Barange
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    Remove Yoast SEO Comments: version: 3.1, author: Mitch
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    WordPress Popular Posts: version: 4.2.2, author: Hector Cabrera
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    YotuWP – YouTube Gallery: author: (undefined), version: 1.3.4
    YouTube Channel: version:, author: Aleksandar Uro?evi? (latest version:

    ### wp-media ###

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    ### wp-database ###

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    ### wp-filesystem ###

    wordpress: writable
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    plugins: writable
    themes: writable

    Plugin Author Rafin



    Thank you for providing us the System Info. We are deeply investigating this issue. In the meantime, you can try installing the version of Essential Addons on your website.

    Again, we deeply apologize for the trouble. It will be all sorted out soon. Thank you.

    Can you please provide a changelog for the 3.1.4 &

    It’s neither on www.ads-software.com…
    …nor on your website…


    Plugin Author Rafin



    Well, we will be releasing a new version today. You can expect something exciting ??

    Keep an eye out ??

    I was getting this error, and a few others that I didn’t copy. I had to rename the lite folder in c-panel and then I was able to log in.

    Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /home4/mckeem1/public_html/eso/wp/wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/config.php on line 316

    Here are the complete errors: Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /home4/mckeem1/public_html/eso/wp/wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/config.php on line 316

    Fatal error: Default value for parameters with a class type hint can only be NULL in /home4/mckeem1/public_html/eso/wp/wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/includes/Traits/Helper.php on line 1016
    The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

    Plugin Author Rafin



    We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your wonderful co-operation as well. We have already found the error and solved it from our side. So, a new version will be released tomorrow. So, don’t worry.

    Thank you.

    Well, we will be releasing a new version today. You can expect something exciting ??

    Is it the 3.1.5 that’s supposed to be “exciting”?

    3.1.5 – 30/07/2019

    Compatibility issue fixed with PHP 5.4 / 5.6
    Few minor bugfix and improvements

    And the has never existed?

    Plugin Author Rupok


    Hi @ftpwp

    Actually it’s a minor update to fix some issues you faced with v3.1.4. And 3.14.1 was hotfix to fix the issues immediately while we fixed the issues properly in v3.1.5. There’s some new features coming in next updates. If you have any feature request or feedback, please get in touch with our support.


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