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  • Refresh page, there is nothing also to do.
    Check ‘Dashboard ? Tools ? Site health’ to see if your site have some problems.
    Bu sure to have a backup before update. If the automatic update will fail, you can do a manual update. See more:

    Updating WordPress

    Thread Starter knowledgegallery


    I tried to update manually but some 4-5 files failed to upload. I have replace the wp-admin folder and includes folder but WordPress admin not working, showing this error.
    “There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions”

    @knowledgegallery WordPress needs all its files to work (with a very small amount of exemptions).
    Possibly these files have different permission mode, see this article:

    Changing File Permissions

    If it will not help, try to contact your hosting.

    @afid14 even if you have a similar problem it was needed to make your own topic (author of the topic is getting all comments).
    The main information to help you is here:

    FAQ Troubleshooting

    Debugging in WordPress

    Updating WordPress



    I have exactly the same problem as Knowledgegallery when trying to update to version 5.5.1. Can anyone tell me why I this is happening and why I cannot update automatically. I’d rather not do the manual update because my WordPress knowledge is pretty limited and I don’t want to cause a problem with my website.

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