• I’m stuck on version 3.1.32. Whenever I upgrade, my RSS feed breaks. I host a podcast on the site, so RSS is critica.

    Cast Feed Validator gives me this:

    Successfully completed feed download tests.
    X FATAL: Error parsing XML. is invalid XML, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: > required at line 68, column 121. Did not finish feed tests.

    Reverting back to version 3.1.32 fixes this problem.

    ### Begin System Info (Generated 2022-08-11 19:36:22) ###
    ------------ SITE INFO
    Site URL:                 https://www.echozoe.com
    Home URL:                 https://www.echozoe.com
    Multisite:                No
    ------------ USER BROWSER
    Platform:                 Apple 
    Browser Name:             Chrome  
    Browser Version: 
    ------------ WORDPRESS CONFIG
    WP Version:               6.0.1
    Language:                 en_US
    Permalink Structure:      /archives/%post_id%
    Active Theme:             Customizr Pro 2.4.22
    Show On Front:            posts
    ABSPATH:                  /home4/echozoen/public_html/blog/
    WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
    WP Memory Limit:          40MB
    Version:                  3.1.32
    Upgraded From:            3.3.1
    Started With:             1.8.16
    ------------ MU PLUGINS
    SSO: 0.4
    ------------ WP ACTIVE PLUGINS
    Blubrry PowerPress: 9.1.4
    Classic Editor: 1.6.2
    Contact Form 7: 5.6.2
    Database Backup for WordPress: 2.5.2
    Google Authenticator: 0.54
    Nimble Page Builder: 3.1.32 (needs update - 3.3.1)
    Pretty Links Blogger Edition: 3.2.4
    Really Simple CAPTCHA: 2.1
    Really Simple SSL: 5.3.3
    RefTagger: 2.4.4
    SiteAlert (Formerly WP Health): 1.9.7
    SQRL Login: 2.1.0
    ------------ WP INACTIVE PLUGINS
    WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: 3.2.6
    ------------ WEBSERVER CONFIG
    PHP Version:              8.0.18
    MySQL Version:            5.7.23
    Webserver Info:           Apache
    Write/Read permissions:   OK
    ------------ PHP CONFIG
    Memory Limit:             512M
    Upload Max Size:          512M
    Post Max Size:            516M
    Upload Max Filesize:      512M
    Time Limit:               60
    Max Input Vars:           1000
    Display Errors:           N/A
    PHP Arg Separator:        &
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  1
    ### End System Info ###
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