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  • Plugin Author pepe


    I’m working to get a new version into the repository. In the meantime, you could download it from and see if it fixes your problem.

    Hey there!
    Just installed your new version of the plugin – it’s really great!
    unfortunately i noticed that there occur spelling-mistakes on the mobile version. in some words letters are changed and they look broken. i think it depends on the position of the word …

    do you have any idea why the problem occurs or how to fix it?
    i would really like to keep using the plugin…

    thanks in advance.

    ps: i coudn’t publish this comment on your plugin-site:
    it always occured the message, that one field is not filled in…

    Plugin Author pepe


    Thanks for the feedback. Have you got a demo site where I can see this phenomenon (and the source code)? Another member reported a similar thing about the old version, so I guess that some versions of some browsers (in his case: Safari) don’t like certain things that wp-Typography does (zero-width spaces, soft hyphens etc.).

    As for not being able to post on my site: Looks like an incompatibility between Epoch and AntiSpamBee. I’ll disable Epoch for now, then posting should work again.

    thanks for your quick reply. i’m sorry it took me so long to answer – couldn’t get to it earlier.

    i noticed the mistake on this specific site i’m currently working on:

    it occurred only on the mobile version and in the last section with the list elements.

    please let me know if you could fix it. i would really like to keep using the plugin.

    just noticed it also in desktop-safari on this site:

    Plugin Author pepe


    I think this is some weird interaction between Safari, specific fonts and the ­ character. I don’t know what triggers it exactly, but changing the font seems to work. An alternative is disabling hyphenation. I may add an option to disable hyphenation on Safari (like there currently is for IE6) via some additionaL JS code. Other than that, there is not much that I can do about this.

    Plugin Author pepe


    Addendum: This really seems to be a problem with certain fonts & Safari. So far I have identified Calendas Plus (not very widely used) and Open Sans (very widely used, unfortunately).

    With a bit of experimenting, I’ve found out that if you disable ligatures, the fonts display correctly:

    -webkit-font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;


    -webkit-font-feature-settings:"liga" 0;

    Plugin Author pepe


    Hah! If you use -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga", "dlig";, the font displays correctly and ligatures stay enabled (though with Open Sans you don’t see much of them).

    yay! it worked perfectly! thank you so much for finding a solution!

    Plugin Author pepe


    Version 3.0.0 included that fix now.

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