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  • KhidhaBoy


    I’m stuck on WP4.6.1 and CPT 1.3.5.

    Just posting so I can be notified of a fix.

    Great plugin btw!



    Signing up to this thread as have same issues and hoping for a stable plugin update , signing up fir thread notifications , thanks people



    I’d also like updates on the wp_terms fix. Thank you!



    I am following this thread so I can be updated if the plugin is.



    @jajanowiak Have you download newest version 1.3.6?

    This function is no longer working for me:
    $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID,”term”);

    I’m able to get the number of terms, but I’m unable to display them. Anyone else hit this?

    Ahh, switched to global $post; and wp_get_post_terms and it’s functioning. Please ignore!

    It feels like support for this plugin has ended. Does anyone have an alternative that has worked for them? It’s unfortunate, this plugin appears to do exactly what I need, but it’s busted and the developer is AWOL.

    That seems a bit harsh, she’s said she’s juggling multiple demands on her time but is working to get the plugin back on track as quickly as possible. I know it’s frustrating, but give her a chance to complete the updates!

    Just thought I’d add…(for me)
    WP 4.7.3 + CPT-onomies 1.3.6 appear to be fine

    Wasn’t intending to be harsh, I apologize to Rachel if that was the perception. Just looking at a couple of months of silence on unresolved issues and wondering what to tell my client. Plugin works great for me on 4.7.3 and 1.3.6, except for the one thing that doesn’t

    Someone can agree that WP 4.7.3 + CPT-onomies 1.3.6 is working fine? I think problem with checkboxes could be connected with some themes issues.

    I can confirm that things are working properly for me. I haven’t upgraded yet on my live site, but I updated my staging area recently and I am able to create new posts, select and deselect cpt-onomies and display them on my pages.

    I’m having (big) problems with 1.3.6 and WP 4.7.4 (+ Woocommerce 3.0.6). With 4.7.3 everything was ok.

    There’s a javascript error after quick-edit of any custom taxonomy item.

    It says “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined
    ***/plugins/cpt-onomies/assets/js/admin-edit.min.js line 1”.

    When using the unminified file this error appears on line 109 that reads
    var $column_name = $table_columns[$column_index].replace(/^(column\-)/i, ""),

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