• I’m wondering if there is a way to update the locale when an AJAX call is made? Whenever I fetch my posts, my text strings are displayed in the default language instead of the language of the current page. Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    To which URL the AJAX call directs?

    Thread Starter boombalaya


    Ok let me clarify my question. I am using the plugin “WordPress Infinite Scroll – Ajax Load More” (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ajax-load-more/) which uses a powerful shortcode to fetch posts via AJAX, but whenever I fetch my posts, the translatable text strings are displayed in the default locale instead of the current page’s locale.

    I want to know if it’s possible to query for a specific language using Admin-ajax.

    I’m having the same issue. The problem is that admin-ajax.php needs to be localized.

    Have you found any solution?

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