• Hi. This might be a hosting problem, but I post it here nonetheless if anybody else runs into it. I tried to update the theme via WordPress’ updater and Customizr downloads but can’t delete the old theme. The old inc folder remains, and the update fails. I’ll do a manual upgrade. Just letting you know. The theme is just brilliant by the way! ??

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  • same problem for me as well

    Maybe I’ve forgotten this: the procedure for updating Customizr is supposed to be where you delete the old ‘wp-content/themes/customizr’ folder and then upload the new one, right?

    This time around, I noticed when I went to Appearance > Themes, and clicked on the parent theme, it had an option to “update now.” When I clicked that, nothing happened.

    I’m using a child theme, and I’m using a premium version of UpdraftPlus, (backup plugin,) which kicks in and does a backup whenever I do any sort of update; but it just sat at the preparing to back up mode.

    I guess I should try the “delete the old and replace with the new” instead of relying on the “update now” link I found?

    What happens if you try from the wordpress updates page?

    @mitchpowell: does it work without UpdraftPlus active?

    After the update yesterday today my comments are appearing for just a second and than disappearing. And nobody can comment on my blog.

    Thunder time: please post on your own thread (here). We already have 3 people on this thread and it’s messy. Your problem is not related to the original poster’s.



    I succeeded by SWITCHING my wp back to the customizr theme, then doing the update, then switch back to my child theme. It worked.

    I’m back up and running by deleting the customizr folder and quickly uploading the update folder.

    As far as commenting goes, I use the Facebook plugin for that and don’t rely on the WP commenting, so i can’t say anything about any issues there.

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