• My plugins are owned by daemon including subdirectories & files w 775.
    I update plugin A successfully; copy of plugin A’s directory remains in upgrade-temp-backup/plugins directory with all subdirectories now owned by ftp account user; I have a new request to update plugin A a week later. This update fails w error: Could not move the old version to the upgrade-temp-backup directory. Remember the version in wp-content is owned by daemon. there is an old version of plugin A sitting in upgrade-temp-backup/plugins w subdirectories owned by ftp account owner. Why wasn’t the file in the temp directory removed after the successful update? The update fails with the above error. I’m guessing it’s the difference in owner?Now WordPress deactivates Plugin A and removes it from my admin list of installed plugins altho it is still sitting in wp-content/plugins. How can I a) prevent this from happening and b) restore my invisible plugin?
    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter hmabpera


    I’m not sure. The plugin updates that succeeded were owned by daemon.
    Those updates that are requested now are not owned by daemon so I cannot test the update. I’ll have to get in touch with the system admin who has access to the server to change the owner for these and then try to update these.
    thanks again

    Thread Starter hmabpera


    Andy, I see a cron job called delete_expired_transients scheduled to run at 03:03:32 on Saturday, December 23. If this is the wp-cron job you’re referring to and it runs weekly there’s a chance it will clear out the upgrade-temp-backup directory tomorrow.

    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    Thread Starter hmabpera


    The files are still in upgrade-temp-backup directory. I don’t know if the cron job you showed me above ran or not. Does it leave a trail?

    I tried to update a plugin which doesn’t have an incomplete copy in upgrade-temp-backup directory. I did get a different failure message: “the update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied this is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.” I didn’t expect this one to pass because not all the files being replaced were owned by daemon.
    thanks for your help, Andy

    Thread Starter hmabpera


    Regarding ownership issues, Andy, our system administrator changed the owner of the wp-content plugin trees to daemon. With this done, I could update the ones that needed. it However, the cleanup of upgrade-temp-backups directory was never done after these successful updates, leaving transient files there.
    Subsequent update to the plugins with these transient files in upgrade-temp-backups failed! (my guess is that they failed because of the presence of plugins with the same name in the upgrade-temp-backup directory.)

    For some reason, the update code which is trying to cleanup this directory is unable to do so. The update process creates these files with owners daemon (top level plugin name directory)and bitnami. (everything under that.)

    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    These files should have same owner/permissions as any other plugin. Have you tried deleting them by other means, sFTP or SSH?

    Thread Starter hmabpera


    I tried deleting them but all I have is sftp and it won’t let me do it.

    When update plugin moves the files into that backup directory the top plugin owner is still daemon with 775 but all the sub directories and files under it become owned by bitnami with 755.? Bitnami is not in the same group as daemon. Before they are moved from wp-content/plugins all the subdirectories and files are owned by daemon with 775 or 664 for files.

    Do you think your cron job to clean up upgrade-temp-backup is having the same problem I have when I try to delete the transient files using sftp?

    Thanks, Andy.

    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    If the permissions are inaccurate then the web server cannot delete the files. You will need to contact your sysadmin to have them removed. You can even just remove the update-temp-backup directory and it will be re-created as needed.

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