• Please read the whole thread – many people have added useful information !

    This applies ONLY to an upgrade from 1.5 to 1.5.1 – it is not the method to use if upgrading from an earlier version.

    It may look complicated – it isn’t!

    1. BACKUP your database
    2. Download 1.5.1. Unzip it.
    3. Open the unzipped folder, and DELETE wp-images. (You have no need for these in an upgrade)
    4. Now open your ftp program and go to your blog directories
    5. On the server, delete the directories wp-admin and wp-includes. Note: If you have “languages” directory in your wp-includes folder (with .mo files) you may want to save/backup those before deleting the wp-includes directory. Upload the new ones.
    6. The Classic and Default themes have been changed slightly so if you wish to, you can upload those to your wp-content folder.
    7. (See the post below this)

    8. On the server and at blog root, delete the old WordPress files and upload new ones. I recommend you do this one by one if you are not sure. Do not delete wp-config.php.
    9. Now run “www.example.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php”

    That’s it.
    You don’t go near your wp-content folder so your themes and plugins are perfectly safe. this is a very easy upgrade – probably the easiest one yet for WordPress.

    Please use a proper ftp client.

    Please don’t think it’s easier to overwrite and not bother deleting files first – you will get errors, you’ll post here for help, we’ll tell you to do it properly, you will and the errors will go away. Far easier to cut that middle stuff out ??

    If you wish, you can delete the following files:

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  • Since the upgrade my feed urls don’t work.
    No errors in syslog, no output. (https://www.pyronecrophilia.com/feed/) – yes, it’s work safe.

    Any ideas?

    first of all: kudos, team! a great upgrade to a great product.

    secondly, i’ve got a quick Q. i just did the 1.5 > 1.5.1 upgrade, and it went perfectly… almost.

    the only thing which broke was my archives page, where this call started choking:


    the error message (which appeared several times–once for each category) was:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'cat_ID' in 'field list']
    SELECT cat_ID, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( MAX(post_date) ) AS ts FROM wp_posts, wp_post2cat WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_id = ID GROUP BY category_id

    i dug a little, and eventually changed “cat_ID” in the SELECT statement on wp-includes/template-functions-category.php line 293 to “category_id,” after which things began working as expected.

    i’m not necessarily asking for help, since:

    (a) it’s fixed (at least it seems to be),
    (b) i’ve made some “customizations” (some might say “hacks”) to the WP files which very well could be related (though i don’t currently see how they could be), and
    (c) i’m not a dumbass newbie who expects people to spend hours helping me, only to find that i didn’t follow directions (no offense to dumbass newbies–i was once one, too. ?? )

    i simply thought i’d throw this out there in case it helps anyone else, or on the off chance that it is in fact a WP bug. (if anyone wants more info, just ask. fwiw, my archive page is here.

    thanks again to the dev team and the entire WP community for creating/supporting a kick-ass product.

    The upgrade will not work with Post Levels by Filipe Fortes. After I upgraded I cannot access the my site even the admin. All I have to do is ftp to the plugin folder and delete the Post Levels files. Everything work fine after deleted that files.

    My comments feed no longer works after upgrading. I’m using permalinks. Looks like I’m not the only one?


    I have the same problem as ASleep. I upgraded both my blogs to 1.5.1 from 1.5 following the instructions exactly and no errors showed up. Everything seems to be functioning except the feeds (mermaidpark.com/feed and mermaidpark.com/feed/atom).

    Moderator James Huff


    Upgrade went well, as far as I can tell so far. ?? However, my dropdown archives no longer work. Here’s the url that pops up /blog/date/2004/08/ The “date” part shouldn’t be there. I don’t know why it’s there after the upgrade or how to remove it.

    Also clicking on my feeds links return a FF popup that says, “feed is not a registered protocol.” Any idea why that is?

    Thanks, macmanx, that did the trick!

    just upgraded 1.5 -> 1.5.1, podz’ directions worked like a charm.

    the dev blog posting regarding 1.51 mentions a security issue and provides credit to someone that found several issues with 1.2.x. Its unclear to me, atleast, whether or not there are fixes in 1.51 to security issues within 1.5 or if these are still the older ones being adressed further.. Actually, re-reading it, it says it its an issue in 1.5, I guess im just wondering if its the same old issues that existed in 1.2.* … sigh.

    can anyone clarify that?

    This next one is more to matt, if he sees fit to answer..

    Is there ever going to be a case where JUST the most critical file changes are made available as opposed to one big “upgrade the whole thing” deal? For those of us that dont have functional issues with 1.5 it would sure make it easier to just make the most neccessary of changes.

    I will spend the rest of the morning diffing files, but would obviously prefer not to have to do that every time a minor (.1) release comes out.

    Fast upgrade and I had to check to make sure it actually did increment the version number because it went so quickly. Had no problems at all. In fact, it fixed a couple of problems I’d noticed with regard to the index.php “page” listings and the blog subcategories formatting. Everything looks good now. Thanks Matt & crew. ??

    Moderator James Huff


    Is there ever going to be a case where JUST the most critical file changes are made available as opposed to one big “upgrade the whole thing” deal?

    Not to sound rude, but you didn’t have to update the whole thing, just the changed files. And, there are quite a few of them: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Changelog/1.5.1

    You can find a list of changes made to the files here: https://mosquito.www.ads-software.com/changelog_page.php

    If you look at the amount of changed files, and the amount of changes in each, it really is a lot easier to do the old mass-delete and mass-upload technique.

    Re 1.5 to 1.5.1 upgrade…
    I found I had to replace the template-functions-links.php with the previous 1.5 version.
    On the index page the “previous” link was /php/php?/paged=2
    It now operates fine with “/index.php?pegd=2”

    Note, this is on a development server and not live ??

    Any ideas why this would happen?


    with all due respect, I cannot forsee any situation where a single security issue affects all of those files. Ive looked over the bug reports and whatnot on that mosquito page and a good deal of whats resolved are BUG reports.. there are, I believe 5 security issues, 2 of which date back to January of 05.

    In MY opinion, and this is just me, changing nearly every file in 2 directories may as well be a completely fresh install.

    Some of us have had NO issues with trackbacks, no issues with comments, no issues with feeds, no issues with <insert anything else related to day to day blogging>. Some of us would rather diff 2-4 files for NECESSARY aka CRITICAL changes rather than 30 files for minor things that are changed. (See change related to pimping firefox, for instance)

    As well, what you might find easier doesnt make the same true for other ppl — I am not in the habit of having to literally reinstall an application every time there is a minor release increment.

    My last question was directed to Matt, and intended as a future suggestion, thanks for your reply all the same.

    Moderator James Huff


    Ok, but you might want to clarify your post. Statements like “This next one is more to matt” are commonly used as a break for the current topic. IOW, in your request for matt, you’re technically talking about major upgrade changes in general, not security fixes.

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