• Hi,

    I made an upgrade from my 2.5 to 2.5.1 version but in the admin panel keeps showing “please upgrade to 2.5.1”

    I read some forum topics dicussing about the same problem. I followed also the recommendation of MichaelH to read Steps 7 and 8 in Upgrading_WordPress_Extended, but the version number doesn’t change.

    The wp_options db entry shows this:

    And I didn’t found any error message in my logfile.

    Any further idea?

    Links the latest.zip to the right version?

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  • hgrebe,

    There are seemingly legitimate reasons, right now at least, for there being inconsistencies in versions. It was your specific question above that I found frustrating, especially since I had just answered you in another thread.

    Once I upgrade wp. I force a reload of my browser, and the version number changes. I have yet to have a problem with the version number not changing. I haven’t upgraded to 2.5.1 yet.

    This is obviously a real issue. I upgraded about 6 domains without problem but the seventh persists on telling me that I am still at 2.5. After upgrading the blog gave me the message that my database was out of date. I upgraded through the link and now it still tells me that I am at version 2.5.

    I am a web host so I upgrade all domains using the same script.

    I checked the version file and it says 2.5.1. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    SoundTrip I have to same thing here. 5 sites no problem, 6th one keeps telling me it’s 2.5.

    On the 5 that went off without a hitch, I uploaded the zip and then unzipped using a php script. I didn’t delete anything, just overwrote originals.

    They are all ok.

    I did the 6th one that way too – kept saying 2.5. Did the deletions ala “Step 7 and 8” kept saying 2.5… files have the correct dates/times, cleared the browser cache, version.php says 2.5.1 dunno what else to check.

    (PS – whooami, to paraphrase from another post where you also employed your unique tact – you’re an ass, and don’t bother coming back and telling us you’re not, you are, it’s not open for debate.)


    It turns out that the blog that I was having issues with appears to have been hacked per this blog article here:


    After fixing the issues iterated in the blog post the troubled blogs now work just fine.

    Ditto – in fact a few of them have, even ones that appeared OK.

    Is there a mailing list to get alerts to this sort of thing? Had it not been for your link, I’d have never known about this…


    Hi yorokobi,

    A mailing list would be a good idea. I will look around today to see if one exists and if not I will fire one up where we can all watch each others backs.


    I’ve gone through all of the links above and the only thing that I’ve discovered on my site was the creation of the “WordPress” admin user. I’ve deleted the user and associated metadata using PHPmyAdmin.

    However, the dashboard still prompts me to upgrade to 2.5.1. I’ve switched countless times between 2.5 and 2.5.1 using SVN.

    Any ideas from the community before I throw in the towel and hire a consultant to fix it for me?

    I’m still hunting. Here’s what I’ve found so far..

    I chased the variables all over the code – so I know that get_bloginfo(‘version’); is going to report the value of $wp_version, which is SUPPOSED to be defined in the wp-includes/version.php file.

    I manually defined $wp_version to be 2.5.1 in the check version function, and the box went away – dashboard said I had 2.5.1. However, if I removed that line, it went back to “update now” and version 2.5 – even tho version.php clearly said 2.5.1

    Last thing I did was edit version.php so that $wp_version = ‘ABCDEFG-2.5.1’. The damn thing says 2.5, so $wp_version is being redefined somewhere, but so far I can’t find it.

    I even removed the “;” so that the version.php file would cause a crash, this was to be SURE it was being accessed, and it was.

    So somewhere after version.php is included, it’s being redefined as 2.5 – another hack issue I’d wager…

    Update_core also says 2.5 – I even deleted it and when it was re-written, 2.5 was among the string, not 2.5.1

    i have checked several times over for signs of the mentioned hack on my site to no avail, and I am getting the version issue too.

    From what I see and read, there’s a common thread to all or most of your problems and that is that you’re ‘overwriting’ files versus deleting them and then uploading new.

    For instance: To upgrade to v2.51 what I did was find the list of files changed in the upgrade. It was apparent that nearly all of them were contained in the wp-admin and wp-includes directories and just three other files,
    >> wp-content\plugins\akismet\akismet.php
    >> wp-login.php (root directory)
    >> wp-settings.php (root directory)

    This was great news for me because all the theme files are in the W-P content directory and I run a ‘heavily’ modified site.

    So, all I did was delete the two above mentioned directories and files and then uploaded two new directories and the three necessary changed files. I then run the database upgrade script and sportsfans, I have had not even one little problem. As with most things, the devil is in the details. More often than not, we’re our own worst enemies. I hope this was of some help.

    Happy blogging!


    I Just updated from 2.3.3 to 2.5.1 and got msg”ur wordpress is out of date, updated needs time, pls be patient” when I run the upgrade.php.

    I did everything carefully as I have done before, as well ref to the upgrading detail inf. But still got this.

    It makes me mad. I can access to my blog but not log in to the admin panel.

    Anyone can help?

    Hi gmsand,

    In my case I wrote scripts that completely backs up all themes, plugins and user created content but not anything related to the wordpress core. I then nuke all files in the domain directory, apply a full fresh installation and reapply the themes and plugins and user specific data.

    There is possibly a file missing somewhere but then I would have imagined that I would have had problems on all the domains I upgraded. Fortunately for me the only issue I had was on the domains that showed signs of the exploit I referred to above.

    I wouldn’t have been able to fix these issues without shell or sftp access combined with access to the database user and wp-options table.

    Obviously removing the user called ‘wordpress’ shouldn’t fix anything so I believe the fix for me occurred when I manually removed the phantom active plugin from the database column for active plugins. This came in the form of a big string like ./../../../../../../../tmp. I don’t know how the string got there, perhaps an installation bug or artifact or a plugin installed left it behind. Who knows. I didn not find this string in the databases of blogs that did not exhibit this upgrade issue.

    When I removed that entry all of my plugins became disabled so perhaps I munged the edit. I re-enabled them through the admin console and it was fine as were the blogs in question. In retrospect I would have manually disabled all the plugins through the admin console and then checked to see if that string was still in the database. If so I would have removed it at that time. In any event it worked for me.

    Whether or not all of this is attributable to a true exploit or an errant plug-in is still up for grabs IMHO. All I can tell you is that I found the https://wordpressphilippines.org/blog/has-your-wordpress-been-hacked-recently/
    article, cleaned up per it’s suggestions and all was fine. The active plugins thing was actually contained in a user comment on that site.

    Two plugins that I use that have given me issues since 2.5 are the TinyMCE Advanced plugin that stopped working between 2.5 and 2.5.1 and the fluency admin console that worked fine for about a week then suddenly stopped working coincidentally around the date time stamped concurrent with the .pngg files. I have never been able to get fluency to work (firefox/css2) since then and have given up on it. The TinyMCE advanced was fixed with it’s latest upgrade that came out a couple of days ago. These two plugins are common on all the domains hosted by me.

    I hope this gives more insight.

    I caution anyone mucking around in the database or file system to PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO BACK UP YOUR WORK AHEAD OF TIME!! It should only take about 10 minutes and will be well worth the time and effort.

    – Trip


    I did not overwrite; I deleted the files and uploaded new. The problem won’t go away even after trying this again and downloading a fresh 2.5.1 latest from www.ads-software.com

    No sign of the hack either.

    What I do have in common with yorokobi and SoundTrip is that this issue only appeared for my second site but not on my first site (on the same domain but different sub-directories).

    No sign of the hack on my site. I chose to just use the 3 security php files. I got ‘lost connection to database’. After several hours of working on it, I went back to 2.5 and wound up with all my categories in alphabetical order instead of nested in the way I originally created them.

    I had to delete everything, including the database, and reinstall from scratch like it hadn’t existed before. I was tired when I did the first install of just the 3 php files mentioned, so anything is possible.

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