• I just upgraded to ver. 2.3.2, and all my Categories have disappeared. When I go to Manage | Categories, I see this error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: _get_category_hierarchy() in /home/content/…./FreeBlog/wp-admin/admin-functions.php on line 780

    I assume I’ve missed copying something from the install to my site, or overwrote something I shouldn’t have. Any ideas of what to do next?

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  • I just upgraded from 2.2.1 to 2.3.3 and lost both categories (the database is completely gone; everything is now uncategorized) and my blogroll (the blogroll still exists via the admin panel though).

    I followed the instructions to the letter and have read through this thread and am still at a loss as to what to do. Because I am a moron possibly.

    I did back up the database and the entire blog file and deactivated all the plugins before performing the upgrade.

    What do I need to do to rescue categories and the blogroll? Any help would be appreciated.


    I had the same problem. I installed without plugins deactivated, and my database was not upgraded correctly (i.e. wp_categories remained, and wp_terms, wp_term_taxonomy etc. were not created).

    Initially I reverted the db_version manually as per the advice above.

    However, what fixed the problem in the end was changing my wp-config file to use an admin account. Previously I was using a default account that could not drop tables or create new ones. Could this solve others’ problems above?


    Can you help me out or lead me? I’m having a simular problem. My catagories are not working. Post don’t stick to them, and after creating a ctegory (and populating it with a post) it still doesn’t show up…



    If I try to add a category it gives me the “something strange happened refresh the page” message and when i refresh nothing happens.

    I also tried adding a category (or tag) by editing a post but that doesn’t work either.

    All my categories right now are missing…..

    https://www.consolecount.com is my site

    please help

    …and may i join the list of this merry band…
    I have tried evertying (i think!) but to no avail.
    i think i may have not disabled plug-in’s when upgrading.
    I upgraded to 2.2 and lost all my categories, and was unabel to add. upgraded to 2.3.1 and to no avail with teh same error messages as member above.
    i have just upgraded to 2.5 (beta) and at least this is leting me add new categroies, so perhaps I need to go back and do them all again..
    however, i’m a bit worried as all the orginal categroies are still in my SQL database, along with number of posts they are assocated with, just not visibile…
    any ideas?

    https://www.joelafferty.com/blog is my site

    no responses – i wonder if this thread is lost momentum…
    anyhow, an update from me:
    now i’ve managed to add categories, i’ve double cheked the sql database using PHPMyAdmin plug in for wordpress – and the new categories have nor appeared in the database…
    …so, i’m left puzzled, where have the new categories gone i wonder?
    …if i back up my database, will the new categories be remembered?
    I’m wondering if I need to delete teh old wp_categories database…

    any clues (to a SQL complete novice) anyone?

    Same problem: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/168546?replies=1 after update to 2.5. All posts are now uncategorized.

    Checking my bolg today I get this message instead of any actual category links, “No categories.”

    When I go to manage > categories, no categories are displayed.

    When I go to Manage->Posts, all Posts are marked as “Uncategorized”. When I do click on any given Post the Categories panel does properly indicate the categories that it belongs to.

    I have not upgraded recently and am using v2.5.

    Can anybody tell me what’s going on?

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