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  • Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    This means your using PHP version older than 5.3. I will have to make some adjustments to make it fully backward compatible. I will try to get it done today.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Can you try adding this to your themes functions.php and see if it resolves the issue. It is no means the final fix but should get you up and running till i can replace that functionality entirely since there is no backward compatible way to do it other than this messy function.

    if (!function_exists('get_called_class')) {
        function get_called_class() {
            $bt = debug_backtrace();
                echo '<br><br>';
                echo '<pre>';
                echo '</pre>';
            if (self::$fl == $bt[1]['file'] . $bt[1]['line']) {
            } else {
                self::$i = 0;
                self::$fl = $bt[1]['file'] . $bt[1]['line'];
            if ($bt[1]['type'] == '::') {
                $lines = file($bt[1]['file']);
                preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)::' . $bt[1]['function'] . '/', $lines[$bt[1]['line'] - 1], $matches);
                $result = $matches[1][self::$i];
            } else if ($bt[1]['type'] == '->') {
                $result = get_class($bt[1]['object']);
            return $result;

    I have the exact problem! The error message comes when I go to In other words I am not able to log in. works fine. Now, I tried your quick fix danialiser by modifying my themes functions.php, but without luck. Please, what to do?? This is critical and I really appreciate any help you can give me!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Hey schtoffer, i should have an update pushed out tonight. It is a backward compatability issue with php versions less than 5.3.

    I do appologize and we are fixing it now.


    I have a similar problem – 2.0.9 took my site down, so I renamed the EASY MODAL plugin directory as a temp workaround. I saw plenty support posts so did not create a new post, just waited for a fix.

    I just tried 2.0.10 now, and again it takes my whole site (& admin) down, with the error message –

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function array_replace_recursive() in ... /wp-content/plugins/easy-modal/classes/model.php on line 146

    So again I simply renamed the plugin folder and will await the next release.

    danieliser – I will be around & online for the next 10hrs or so, and will be happy to do any testing if you need. Keep up the good work. ??

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @photomaldives, please email me directly so i can send you some test code. It is likely more php 5.2 compatability issues. I thought i got them all, just got all the ones reported i guess.
    danieliser at


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Awaiting feedback to confirm this has been fixed. Then patch will be released.

    I too renamed the easymodal folder. I can now log-in… Just FYI. Awaiting a stable and confirmed fix.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Issue has been resolved. Still awaiting confirmation from test users.

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