So, since I have nothing to lose, I’m trying it again for 2.8.1
#1 – Again it just churns and churns. There is no indicator other than the browser to tell me that something is happening or not. There is no messaging to tell me “if this takes more than X minutes, do Y”
#2 – I wait a good 25 minutes. Still churning, site inaccessible. Then I’ll go and disable the plugins directory by renaming it. I had since added the following plugins:
akismet, dd-formmalier, fbconnect, share-this, simple-nav-archives, stats, popular posts, hello, and 3 little custom ones.
#3 Re-Loading the admin page now works. Now has the message – “an automated wordpress update has failed to complete” but the site will no longer load – gives a plugin related error.
#4 – I rename the plugins directory back to the way it was, and now I’m back in the world of permanent churn.
EDIT >> Now this is even more bizarre. The site is loading in Safari now (a fresh browser) but still skunked on FF. I can load admin fine in Safari, skunked on FF. I will restart the browser to see if that helps, but this is just tooo strange.