• Ok…moving from WPMU 2.9.2 to WP 3.0 is NOT fun. ??

    I did all the proper backing up of files and data, so nothing is lost forever. I deactivated all my plugins, and I deleted all the old files except for wp_config and a couple of others. I have a previous test site of WP 3.0, so I used that wp_config.

    I changed all my wp_1_*datatable names* to just wp_*datatable names*. I ran the upgrade database program as I tried to access my Dashboard, and my site is back up, minus plugin functionality.

    The problem is I can’t login to my Dashboard now. I get this:

    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    I tried resetting the password, nothing is working.

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  • Thread Starter Jim R


    I put it right below define( "WP_USE_MULTIPLE_DB", false );

    I moved it below the unique keys, still not showing.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    *peers* Huh, I don’t have it on my MU->3.0 upgrade either.

    Well. Put in the htaccess stuff I have you, and that’ll take care of the rewrite rules it mentioned. If the rest is working then yay! And I’ll poke around and see if this needs a trac or if I’m just being extra thick headed!

    Thank you all for your diligent and passionate work! As a long-time WordPress user I fully appreciate the effort being expended here and wish to convey my gratitude to you all. CHEERS! Eager to see the final release, I’m sure it will ROCK!!

    @ipstenu -0 if they upgrade from MU, they don’t need the network rewrites rules. not all of ’em anyway, as they have most of them already.

    I’ll be documenting the one they do need. It’s just an edit of an exciting one.

    Just a note for thsoe playing the home game: If you are on MU, DO NOT follow the instructions for enabling a network – you already have one!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    if they upgrade from MU, they don’t need the network rewrites rules. not all of ’em anyway, as they have most of them already.

    Right, which occurred to me later on. That said, WHY doesn’t the network menu show up? ?? In my back brain, it’s should.

    I did an upgrade of MU to MS by just overlaying the 3.0 files and running the upgrade. Seemed to work just fine.

    Thread Starter Jim R


    The network menu never showed up for me. I just took out the multisite code and the code suggested for htaccess. Still no network menu. I have the Super Admin menu.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The code I gave you for the .htaccess specifically addresses this line from your earlier post:

    … update your server rewrite rules to use wp-includes/ms-files.php instead.

    Without it, your uploads will wander off and get lost.

    I guess you don’t need the Network menu, but it’s still weird to me that you don’t. How else do you know what the htaccess should be?

    Thread Starter Jim R


    I don’t even know what it should mean, so I’m good. ??

    I deleted the blog.php file, and the message went away. I made sure the ms-files.php was present. All ‘seems’ to be OK other than not having the Network menu you’re referring to. What I have seen are network options in other places, like in activating themes and plugins. I don’t mean just in the Super Admin part, but contextually within my Dashboard.

    What I eventually want, if I’m going to get use out of multisite, is for Users to ‘subscribe’ via one site and access to others as a result.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The network menu just shows you how to set your blog up, so it’s not like you’re missing out on anything huge. To the point that … I didn’t even notice I didn’t have it on my MU->MS site until recently ??

    I went through the upgrade from MU 2.9.2 to 3.0 Multisite as directed and it went ok. I am also missing the Network link in Tools and I am having some Admin link problems. In the Super Admin -> Sites area, when I try to move between site backends, the URL’s are not updating. They stay relative to whatever site backend I happen to be in. So for example, if i’m in at site1/wp-admin and I try any of the links for site2, they still lead to site1/wp-admin. I’ve checked my .htaccess and it seems to be right. Any ideas?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    What happens if you go to site2/wp-admin?

    It’s the same, whatever site I am in the backend of the admin links only lead to that site. Another example, when I am in the My Sites area, where there are links to Visit and Dashboard for each of my sites, the visit links lead to the correct URL’s, but the Dashboard links, all lead to the admin area of whatever site’s backend I am in.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I think I’m confused.

    When you go into the backend, the links are SUPPOSED to be for that site. Each site has it’s own ‘stand alone’ admin side.

    The only part that cross-links would be the SuperAdmin parts, of which I think they all ‘act local’ until you switch blogs, either by going to Super Admin > Sites or manually going to site2/wp-admin

    All the menu links are working as expected, Appearance, Tools, etc. It’s the links between the sites’ admin areas that aren’t functioning correctly.

    If I am in Super Admin -> Sites, the link to each of my sites “Backend” leads to whatever site I am currently in. So I have 5 sites, if I’m in the backend of domain.com, the “Backend” link for each of my additional sites leads to domain.com/wp-admin, instead of domain.com/site1/wp-admin, domain.com/site2/wp-admin and so on.

    I can manually change what site I am editing by typing in the correct URL, but that will eventually become a pain as we add more sites.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Ah, okay, good.

    And when you’re in domain.com/site2/wp-admin, the links STILL point to domain.com/wp-admin, or do they become relative?

    Also, which version of 3.0 are you on?

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