Thank you esmi for those suggestions. Much appreciated. After I posted this comment I kept on searching the forum for more information. It currently appears to be a browser issue since many more people have raised the same complaint. It works well with IE8, but not with Google Chrome. I have not tried Firefox or others.
These folks are obviously specialists – judging by their discussions and even THEY are struggling top resolve it. Something to do with jse caching and God knows what else.
Being quite Administratively illiterate compared to others I can’t even begin to apply some suggestions.
I’m going to side with the most common finding now, and that is that it is browser related; an issue that WP will have to address quick smart with suitable patches or plugins.
To think I tried avoiding to install the update in the hope that most bugs would have been sorted out all ready. How wrong could I have been?
Again, thanks for your response, I’ll just have to blunder along and hope it is resolved soon by WP OR the browser vendors. And we all know how potently powerful the browser people are, they won’t rewrite their material for a WP initiated update issue. Our fate lies with WP now…
Kind regards