Upgrade tot 3.1 leaves website blank: Fatal error!
I got this fatal error when I upgraded to 3.1:
Fatal error: Class ‘WP_List_Table’ not found in /usr/home/deb18228n2/domains/homecinemamagazine.nl/public_html/wp-admin/includes/list-table.php on line 76
Restoring my backup does not even help..
What can I do?
Please help!
The website loads just fine after the update https://www.inceptionradionetwork.com. I did disable all plugins prior to this and was running an ajax login plugin. The only issue is that I can not get into the dashboard at all when I put “/wp-admin” at the end of my url. I just get the error message that I got.
I have had the same down site issue since upgrade, though my error is different.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class wpdb in /home/aware1/public_html/wp-content/db.php on line 54
I’ll try some of the helpful steps above.. *finger-crossed*..
I used this plugin to fix this problem…
Wp htaccess Control
However, you have to leave it turned on. I’d like a real fix myself if possible. Thanks.
Hey everyone, try following this fix : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/fatal-error-upgrade-to-wp-31?replies=14#post-1959778
All that was needed was to change the name of the file where the errors were coming from. easy-peasy for now!
Serious bug in this upgrade that needs to be fixed. We did one site and had to re-install 3.0.4 (I don’t have c copy of 3.0.5) to get it back up and running. We should not have to use any ‘tricks’ to make this work.
As an FYI for others still having issues. My host auto-upgraded my install but didn’t update the plugins first. BackWPUp was the module that caused me to get the error:
Fatal error: Class ‘WP_List_Table’ not found in …/wp-admin/includes/list-table.php on line 76
and on another installation be stuck in the upgrade loop.
I just removed the plugin, downloaded the latest, and reinstalled it (after upgrading any other plugins as well). All is good.
wideblueyonder’s solution worked for me. Both my website and admin area was blank.
1) Downloaded newest 3.1.
2) Deleted wp-admin and wp-include directories and replaced all files with those from the download. Also replaced all other files except for those in wp-content.
3) For wp-content, I was more selective and manually overwrote old files.
4) The admin area then asked me for database details again because wp-config.php was not found. I entered my DB details again (thankfully I remembered them). When I got to the install portion, I closed all browser windows and went back to the admin area. It then asked to upgrade the DB, so I did.
All working ok now finally. Phew.
Tnx soo much for this thread.
I have 5 wp sites I run.
3 of them, I had upgraded all the plugins 1st, just out of luck, and then did the upgrade on WP through my my hosting software management panel… and no problem.#4, didn’t go into WP and update the plugins 1st, just pushed the WP update through my hosting software management panel, and it failed.
Tried again, failed.
Went to the site, tried to get into the WP admin for that site…
and got:
” Fatal error: Class ‘WP_List_Table’ not found in …… line 76 “
Some pages worked, some didn’t ,some had the same error, others slightly different.Ugh,, did a search found this thread.
FTPed into that site, deleted the directory for BackWPUp , and from my hosting software management panel, pushed the WP update again, and it worked. And now I can get back into #4 site’s WP admin panel…
Wheeeeo…Now #5, the biggest most important one I manage, did a back up, made sure all plugins are up to date first, and with fingers crossed, pushing the update……. wheeoo, that worked fine !!!
Lesson learned, update plugins first!
I learned another lesson. I understand now that wordpress is not an industry strength platform, it’s a hobby platform.
First of all wordpress should have the possibility to determine if an update can take place looking at the versions of plugins installed. Secondly how can it happen that I install wp 3.1 all works fine but the next day the admin login AND the site itself are blank.
I must say that I am VERY angry about that. It means 3.1 had not gone through enough testing and wp is not sophisticated enough to be reliable.
My income is depending on my web site but it went all blank behind my back for no reason and without any incompatibility notice. Thats completely unacceptable.
Now I have to start fiddling around with database or ftp tricks on my free saturday to get my site back up but without success. Its still blank!
I begin to regret I moved to the wp platform.
Also, I have latest versions of plugins installed. I am 100% sure I did nothng wrong and to be honest, THAT worries me most. I think wp needs to come up with some sort of verification / repair app to analyse whats wrong because I have no clue whatsoever. Dont know what to do really as proposed remedies dont work. Standing here and lookin at blank pages.
Anybody any advise? Go back to printed media for promotions?
@plusvision – whilst I have complete empathy for your situation having experience something the blank pages initially with one of my sites – there are some huge flaws in your criticisms of WP.
If your business relies entirely on this website then:
1. Why did you upgrade so early as opposed to keeping your install of WP at a version you knew was working – either wait and watch the forums to see what other peoples experiences are or have a second install of wordpress you can use as a sandbox – to play with and test out upgrades before upgrading your mission critical site.2. If you resent putting time into your website system at the weekends (or evenings or whenever) then is an open source piece of software that inherently requires input from the user into it’s up keep, maintenance and troubleshooting really the right solution for you. There are plenty of other options on the market that you could be paying for which provide the type of support you are looking for.
3. WP should provide a repair tool for you??? Read my point number two again – what have you paid www.ads-software.com to date – I suspect nothing, therefore what do they owe you? The type of support you are looking for in this is what I would expect if I had paid a company for a software solution NOT from an open source project.
4. Did you create a backup of both your database and website before you upgraded? If so, you could reinstall back to your previous installation and all would be fine. If you haven’t backed up, why did you install the upgrade?
5. Go back to printed media for promotions – er, no – just don’t rely on a system you can’t support and manage yourself if it is so critical to your business.
6. Plugins all up to date – by this do you mean simply the latest version or do you mean you checked they were WP 3.1 compatible before upgrading. Even if they were 3.1 compatible you should have them disabled when installing an upgrade and then activate each one individually to check they work properly.
Sorry my friend, it just seems you are lashing out at WP out of frustration and I feel it is a tad unfair.
I sincerely hope you resolve your issue – see my post earlier in this thread for how I resolved the issue on my site. i am also aware for some folks the upgrade seemed to work, then the site vanished later – by changing their permalinks back to default then switching back to their chosen permalink structure also resolved issues.
It’s really no different than fixing a car. Sometimes cars break down. You can either do it yourself or pay to have them repaired. It was inconvenient in my case and scared me a little, but the automated update process *did* warn me to back everything up, half of which I did. Websites take work. :-/
Opps, seemed to have touched a sensitive string here. Are we friends yet? So quickly? Welcome! I appreciate some of your replies, however, I did pay for several plugins but that won’t change your mind I guess. Anyway, when starting with wp and reading the info everywhere I looked on the wp sites I get basically the same massage: its fantastic, its very easy, its a breeze.. Well, my experience is quite different, and yes its for free but I lack a bit of relativation here and there. It would do the platform good. Thats my opinion. And yes, to my opinion its a hobby platform, but nothing wrong with hobbies, but I wanna have something rock solid.
re point 6. Well, I think wp should determine installation requirements are met, or is wp fully aimed at pro’s? Guess its not gonna get real big than. And Oh yea, I am sorry I am not a code warrior. I am just a average novice who probably took the words “easy” and ” breeze” or whatever a bit too serious etc.
Problem is I cannot approach the admin hence login, left alone I can reach any plugin pages. Public page are completely blank. Just like that, yesterday it was working great. next day its gone, like magic, I did nothing. Absolutely nothing to the site. The only access I have left is FTP and currently restoring my pure html based site.
Yes did did backup of database and site. So to restore the 3.0.5. version I can just delete all and ftp it back on? Or do I need to keep anything there???
I have to agree , WP is a hobbyist platform that had taken hold even with many professional designers, my bro who is in the business talked me into it, to get away from DW and notepad….
I’m only running 5 sites via WP, the rest are still good old DW/notepad.
I found a lot of advantages with WP… BUT..
With the updates, I start with the pure hobby sites I have and try the updates on them, and then work my way up to the couple that are very important.. so I have an idea of what I’m getting into.
I’ve noticed with WPSuperCache, seemingly strange things happen with even the the smallest changes to pages or the site.
I’d guess it’s the reason you saw your site just fine and dandy that night and the next day – pooof, all gone.There’s a lot of little quirks in WP that I’ve learn to live with.
Including, I’m soo use to backing up and running a site local on my HD with pure html and basic structure I’ve been using since 1995 , that running a site out of a DB with so much underpinning to make it happen, is just unnerving – LOL .. Ah, for the simpler days.As my mom always said, “you play – you pay” ….
I’d probably recommend backing up both database and files in their current state just in case. Then try a manual upgrade to 3.1 instead via FTP. Just don’t overwrite your own important files in wp-content. I’m not sure how to downgrade back to 3.0.5 if you don’t have a prior backup, but I suppose you could always ask your web host if they do periodic backups. Message me if you want more help. I’m no expert, but have been in the web business for a decade.
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