• I recently got access to a site that has been inaccessible to my company for a few months. Over the course of these few months, the plugins started failing one by one. Essentially, I was wondering exactly what I would need to back up in the case of a restore.
    Running 4.8.4, with ~40 plugins, about half have been deactivated. I have made a tarball of the entire System, home directory, and SQL databases. Uptime for my website is imperative, as I will be moving a localhost install to the website over the course of the week, I need to ensure that a rollback can be possible. I have tested restoring from the home directory and SQL databases, yet saw no results (I created a page after I completed downloading the .gz s, yet the page remained after restoring). I have read the documentation provided by my host/cPanel as well as WordPress and did not find something I would consider encompassing of the entire scope of my question.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    It seems you’re comfortable at the command line. YAY!


    tar -c /path/to/wordpress |gzip > /tmp/thesite.tgz
    mysqldump -u root -p thesitedatabase |gzip > /tmp/thesite.sql.gz

    put those files someplace safe


    upload the files to /tmp on your new site
    cd /tmp
    gzip -d thesite.sql.gz
    (assuming database already exists)
    mysql -u root -p thesitedatabase < tehsite.sql
    cd /path/to/wordpress
    tar zxvf /tmp/thesite.tgz

    Thread Starter dragozir


    I prefer CLI but I am new to this particular work environment which I hope explains my caution. Additionally I am the most experienced in web development which means any issues I run into will be my responsibility. Hopefully my host enables SSH sometime this year. Thank you for the help!

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    If you don’t have SSH / CLI access, use a good backup plugin. I like “backwpup”.

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