• MikeMovies


    Hey guys hope one of you can save the day. i just updated wordpress on my site and now all my news links are broken and redirecting to my index page.

    My category pages are also doing the exact same thing. I tried going into my admin and hitting the permalinks button again but im still fubar.


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  • david_tong


    Update… I disabled both LinkWithin and Dean’s Permalink Migration. Reset my Permalink setting to default, reactivated Permalink Migration, then changed to a custom permalink BEFORE reactivating Link Within, the site works fine now… Strange and I don’t know why it fixed everything.



    Our front end urls are working fine but it’s the backend that is getting errors when logged in as an editor and contributor (admin works fine).

    Is anyone else having this problem???



    Till i upgrade to the wordpress 3.1 my permalinks was /%postname%/ and when i load category pages is redirect me to some posts from that category not to category name to see all posts. But when i change the permalink to /%category%/%postname%/ all is fine but with “category” till category name and i don`t this.
    I want to be like until i upgrade to the wordpress 3.1 domain.tld/category-name, not linke now domain.tld/category/category-name!

    How can i make this? How can i make to get domain.tld/category-name?
    Please someone help me!
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter MikeMovies


    i can confirm the plugins Top Level Category and Simple Tags break 3.1 urls. Removing both plugins my site now operates correctly



    I’ve been having this same problem because I use the Top Level Categories plug-in on all of the WordPress websites I design. Especially for clients using WordPress as a CMS and not a blog, to have the /category/ in the URL really takes the site down a notch and makes it more obvious that WordPress is being used to run the site – something I don’t want. Talk about trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, so to speak.

    Needless to say I’m really annoying with this upgrade. While there are some good things that come with it, this to me seems like a pretty major shortcoming of it. Until it’s fixed and/or the author of the Top Level Categories plugin fixes it for 3.1, I’m going to have to downgrade back to 3.0.5.

    Wish WordPress would test this stuff out with the most popular plugins before they go releasing these things.



    I don`t use ny plugins like that!
    I don`t use Top Level Category and/or Simple Tags plugins!

    Thank you!



    You may need to let WP regenerate your .htaccess.

    Some plugins may cause permalink issues too.

    Thread Starter MikeMovies


    I tried getting Top Level categories working by commenting out the flush but no luck.

    function top_level_cats_activate()
    global $wp_rewrite;

    Anyone have any luck upgrading Top Level Categories to 3.1?



    Even with esmi’s link I can’t get clean URLs to work. If I change permalinks to be the default ugly format, the category pages work, but if I turn URL rewriting on in any way, the category pages are broken.





    Can someone tell me how can i downgrade back to the 3.0.5 version? Because i think is the only solution to fix this issue!
    Thank you!



    @suissac: Please stick to your own topic.



    If you use Top Level Category, I bet it works just like WP_No_Category_Base, which is still doing it’s job just fine for me…

    Maybe try to switch?



    thanks docarzt

    it worked like a charm!



    i had same problem..tryd to deactivate all plugins-same.
    I jsut rol back to 3.0.5 and waiting fix ??

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