Upgraded to 3.1, Now my Permalinks Dont work!
Hey guys hope one of you can save the day. i just updated wordpress on my site and now all my news links are broken and redirecting to my index page.
My category pages are also doing the exact same thing. I tried going into my admin and hitting the permalinks button again but im still fubar.
To summarize, please correct if I’m wrong, those who make automatic upgrade while having all their plugins activated are getting permalink errors or white pages. Those who deactivate their plugins and widgets and make manual upgrade, checking if all files are uploaded, have no problem, everything works fine?
Nope, i did manual upgrade with all plugins off and have this issue
What happened when you tried this, https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/permalink-fix-disable-canonical-redirects-pack/ – did this solve the problem?
Not wanting to add to the noise here, but thought it might be helpful to say I’m experiencing the same issue with one of my blogs. If I change the permalink structure back to default, it works fine. If I change it to any of the other custom settings, it’s broken.
I just checked 4 of my WP sites, all on different servers and every single one of them is having issues with the categories. On another forum, someone posted the category problem was being caused by Simple Tags plugin. I disabled this on all 4 blogs and everything is working fine, including custom permalinks structure.
get the previous version you were running, then unzip it … copy everything but the wp-content folder to where ever your WP folder/files are … and when you go to open your site-admin it may tell you it needs to do a database update click ok to that and bam every thing is back up and running.
good luck. I did exactly that after turning a few hairs gray and I got my wp back up. I hope this helps.
What I find strange is, I can no longer use the “remove” “blog” slug plugin as well as, the link for “adding plugins” is missing… oops
I experienced the same problem too. Good thing I haven’t updated all my WordPress sites to its version 3.1. Let’s just wait until there’s a fix for this before updating.
Maybe the developers overlooked this thing. I know they’re fixing it now. Waiting… ^^,
My version of the same problem:
I was originally having a different issue, so I jumped to upgrade to 3.0.whatever and then to 3.1 hoping to fix that. It didn’t fix it, so this morning I disabled all plugins and started to re-activate them one by one, looking to see which one was causing my original problem (sidebar code being repeatedly broken over the past few weeks… totally different issue, I think, so I won’t describe it here).
I do have Top Level Categories installed; do NOT have MultiPage Toolkit or SimpleTags installed, so those are not the issue for me.
And YES, the site has been loading slooooowly or never finishing page-load at all for a couple of days. I thought it was my Internet provider, but I see others in this thread are having the issue.
It has also occasionally been saying “page not found” if I click on a post’s link, when of course I can see (from the front page) that the page *is* there, and Categories were saying “page not found” as well—at least last night, and maybe since I installed 3.1. Didn’t look earlier than last night but I assume it’s been right since the day I upgraded.
Anyway, back to this morning… when I got through re-activating the plugins I thought most safe like Akismet, I re-activated Top Level Categories. I checked twice, and *all looked fine* except the categories, which I was hoping re-activating that would fix. I headed off to work, planning to figure it out and finish re-activating things when I got home.
Checked the site an hour or so later to see how it looked from a PC (I have a Mac at home) and I had a 500 Internal Server Error—couldn’t get onto the site or into the admin to disable TLC!!!
So I FTP’d into the site, renamed the plugins folder plugins.old (in other words, as far as WP is concerned I deleted all plugins), then put in a new empty folder named plugins before returning to the site and to the admin.
Now the site itself, individual posts, and the admin are accessible again.
BUT, categories are still not functioning. Everything is still unbelievably slow (near-endless “spinning beach ball”). And this is with all the plugins, including TLC, *deleted.*
Hope this helps you overworked debuggers out there. Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: After reading Ipstenu’s advice here
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/troubleshooting-wordpress-31-master-listI disabled the admin bar, which brings the site-loading to a normal speed,
and installed FV Top Level Categories, which brought my category pages back. Both worth a try if your issues are like the ones in this thread.I’m running a wordpress blog since Nov 2008, doing every upgrade. Meanwhile there are 3500 posts and so far after upgrading to 3.1 there is no permalink issue, all post links are ok. Concerning broken links after upgrading to 3.1, guess a database query would solve the problem.
Something like UPDATE wp_post SET post_content = replace(post_content, ‘[tweet]’, ” ) ;
source: https://www.wprecipes.com/wordpress-tip-get-rid-of-unused-shortcodesPassportdelicious—DO try installing FV Top Level Categories (see link in my previous post, just above your question). It doesn’t fix the whole world but I think it’ll get your link issue fixed nicely, since it appears you had the same plugins I did before the upgrade.
The problem with 2 tags on query is resolved by placing the symbol + between a tag and the other (with the old version of WP was enough that the two tags were separated by a space).
I tried the FV Top Level Categories, however that didn’t fix the issue. We’re also running Genesis. Has anybody found a fix on Genesis yet or know what TYPE of plugins are causing the issue?
I was beating myself senseless trying to fix this problem. we have 3 or 4 blogs with the same plugins and theme, and only one of them had this problem. categories and posts both redirected back to the front page and said Nothing found for [Page Title].
After reading kellye’s post I tried renaming the plugins folder and sticking an empty folder in. It did not work initially but then I went to the permalink page and deleted the category base I had which was “category”, and saved it. It worked! I renamed the plugins folder back, and it all still worked.
So, thanks kellye for leading me to a solution, I hope this helps someone else.
azfadm—Glad I could help!
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