• I’ve followed the tutorial for upgrading templates from 1.2 to 1.5, and all seems to be fine.

    However, comments don’t display at all. It’s like it can’t find the file to import. I’ve done the comments_template(); thing in the index.php file, and there is a comments.php file in my theme folder.

    my index.php code is at https://www.pastebin.com/248145
    the actual blog is at https://jeffsblog.info

    thanks for your help!

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  • It seems there is no call for the comments template in your index.
    See this post

    Moshu; thank you so much. That was exactly the problem. All I need to do now is format the comment styles!

    I’m wondering, as a lot of people probably base their own templates on default, as I and tenchan did, and the default does not seem to include a call to comments within The Loop, maybe this should be stated in the instructions. I don’t remember seeing anything about it. Is it worthwhile me editing the Codex, or am I wrong about it being missing from the default theme?

    Thanks again. And your visual theme explanation is Tip Top.

    Well, actually the Deafult does have a call to comments – it’s in the single.php because it uses this “single template” to display individual posts together with the comments.
    If you read through the Template Hierarchy section of the Codex, you can see what template files are used to display different views of your WP.
    I think if you use a theme as a starting point for your own, but you take over only some of the template files from the original, you better study what was in those left-out files – obviously there was a reason for having them ??
    Nevertheless, since the Codex is a community effort, you can add a not: If you start to tweak a theme that has single.php and you are not going to use it, move the call to comments into the index.php… etc.
    (Thanks for the kind word for visual)

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