• Hello everyone,
    I think I can probably wing this, but I’d rather have confirmation from more experienced users.

    Right now I need to do two things:
    Upgrade WP to the latest version 2.3. (currently 2.2.2)
    Also, I want to consolidate my blogs into one database on my web host. In actuality my “blogs” are only one thus far, but I am creating a few more. But I want to modify the table prefixes as per instructions, and change the config file to reflect the prefix name.

    The first thing I would like advice about is: what should I do first? Upgrade my blog, then consolidate databases, or vice-versa?

    I would like to verify what I need to do for both these tasks.

    For the database consolidation: my assumption:
    I need to do is change the table names using my database management, and then just update my wp-config file with the new table prefix.
    Is this correct?

    For the upgrade I’m a little more confused only because I’m not so familiar with what files do what and how. In the “easy” instructions for upgrading (they are really rather easy except one thing that is confusing to me) it states:

    Delete your old WP files, saving ones you’ve modified

    Ok – I have no idea what files it might be referring to: I have modified some templates, but not ones that come pre-packaged with WP, so I assume that’s no concern. I’m not using those right now anyway.

    The only file I can think of that has been modified by myself is wp-config. Does the new version have different content in that file? If so I would have to put my database name and login into the new file version, and upload that one. If the file is exactly the same as version 2.2.2 then I would simply not upload that file.

    Any other files that I could have modified that I’m unaware of? Meaning, during the process of using WP.

    I hope I’m not rambling incoherently, I just want to get it right. I’d really appreciate if anyone could confirm or advise upon what I’ve tentatively assumed.

    Thanks soooo much,


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  • I am completely confused by your “consolidation” plans.
    You have one blog that uses xyz_ prefix.
    When you will create your next blog in the same database you will edit the new installation’s config file and have abc_ prefix.
    Why on the earth would you want to mess around with your existing blog???

    Thread Starter danielt


    Only reason is for consistency: the existing blog has wp_ prefix. I’m a little tight about having things consistent and precise, and I would like the table prefixes to reflect the name of my blog, as will with my other blogs.

    Don’t mess with that once you have it. Even if you have OCPD – leave it as it is! Too much chances to screw up your blog!

    Thread Starter danielt


    Well, as much as I respect that recommendation as having its merits, I didn’t ask whether or not I should do it; I want someone experienced to verify or correct my assumptions on how to go about doing it.

    And I am experinced enough to tell you – don’t do it.

    Thread Starter danielt


    If I understand correctly, then – creating a blog anew, you can simply modify the prefix in the wp-config and everything will be nice and easy, but once a blog has been setup already, that’s no longer all you have to do? (and also changing the table prefixes)?

    1. Yes – it will be nice and easy.
    2. I didn’t say it can’t be done… It’s just that phpMyadmin (or any MySQL admin tool) is too dangerous to mess around with what you have. After making a backup copy of your database (aka export) you can try renaming all the tables one by one. If anything goes wrong, please, remember I was trying to convince you not to do it.

    Thread Starter danielt


    Well I made a backup first.
    Second of all, it’s only like 5 entries yet in the blog and I have the text backed up as well. There are also very few tables.

    I was just getting the impression there was a lot more that needed to be done, but if that’s it, then I’m comfortable doing it.


    Thread Starter danielt


    Well, I did it. Not difficult at all.
    Just needed to rename tables and some entries. No big deal.

    Hi Dan,

    I too want to rename my tables for the same reason as you. Another thread on this exists as www.ads-software.com/support/topic/133984 in which two people renamed their tables, updated their config files, and then had problems logging in.

    I am curious whether you had the same problem. If so, the fix was posted in the same thread, and a third poster offered a script…

    (If I knew how to link to a given thread I would have done so.)

    Thread Starter danielt


    No problem at all. Only thing I had to do was sift through a few files that had references to the prefix wp_ and change it. Cannot remember which files, but they were very few.

    Logging in was no problem. I suppose a cause for a problem logging in would be that the file containing the table name / field name of WP’s users had not been updated yet with the new prefix.

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