• Hello,
    Where can I read what changes have been made on the new update 3.2.1 compare to the previous version? I do have problem with header and menu. Is there a change of structure in the Update 3.2.1?
    I had to put back the 3.1.24 version, my menu was not showing.

    Thank you,

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  • I have the same problem.

    Completely lost with the new update have also restored 3.1.24

    Firstly, I need say thank you for a beautiful theme. I use this for my college work as a part of my portfolio. Unfortunately, today I had the same problem.My menu header isn’t working either after upgrading to v3.2.1. Well after the update I refreshed the page a couple times but the issues still didn’t change. My top menu was not showing and finally when was presented all buttons moved to the top header. Additionally, the header is not visible after page move up and I am not able to remove the page title by the use of .entry-title {
    display: none;
    Thanks for all your help

    If you use the Center Header Block snippet, then I’m afraid it does break in 3.2.1. I’m working on a solution and will publish asap.

    In the meantime, I suggest you revert to 3.1.24

    Hello Dave,

    Thank you for your time. It may be a silly question but how could I revert to 3.1.24. Have I upload a previous theme again?

    Thank you for all your help

    Same here! How can I go back to 3.1.24?? Thanks guys!

    Same here! How can we find the menu back? Here is my site: https://www.linortek.com.

    I have also issues with my menu it’s doubled… www. sundermannschule . de

    To return to 3.1.24, download the zip file from here.

    It depends whether you’re on localhost or hosted server. But you need to replace the current contents of wp-content/themes/customizr with the contents of the 3.1.24 zip file.

    localhost, can do it with File Manager or equivalent
    hosted, use FTP

    Just make sure that the current (3.2.1) contents of that customizr folder are completely replaced.

    @loic, the release notes for 3.2.1 are here

    I understand the multiple posts from everyone, but it’s difficult to determine if everybody’s issue is the same and has been processed. I recommend you start your own threads.

    There has been some restructuring in the Navbar area, in particular. In the medium term, it will be to everyone’s benefit so please try to hang in whilst we sort it out.

    I am in touch with Nic, and he is helping me with my snippet queries but it may take a few days to get them all cleared. There’s a learning curve for me too remember!

    @rdellconsulting, I am raising my hand to tell you that I have two posts for my problem and got solution from Nikeo by adding the following code to Child Theme php and the problem has been fixed, so for those who lost the menu after updating, you can add this code from Nikeo to your php:

    add_action(‘wp_footer’ , ‘fix_menu_bug_3_2_1’);
    function fix_menu_bug_3_2_1() {
    if ( ! wp_is_mobile() )
    <script id=”fix-menu-bug-3-2-1″ type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery( function($) { $(document).off(‘touchstart.collapse.data-api’ , “**”);})

    Thanks @big. I’ll update my tracking data.

    Hi All,

    First I need say a BIG FAT thank you for you Dave and other guys. You make a very good job-seriously. Fallowing to your instruction I have replaced v 3.2.1 to 3.1.24 by Filezilla. The header is like it should be and the website is loading smoothly and correctly both on mobile/tablet and PC devices. I see as all related issues gone and everything is OK. My top menu is show as previously and buttons back to old place. Additionally, the page title have been replaced. Thank you so much for everything Gig Credit for rdellconsulting. A+++++++

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