• Hi guys, hope you are doing well.

    Sorry if this exact question has been already asked. I could not find anything about it. I just wanted to ask some advice about updating WordPress. I’m using version 2.8.4 on my company’s news / blog section. Is it safe to update to version 3.1.3 directly or am I risking something because of file structure? Is it the same, different? Sorry, don’t know much about this stuff and I’m very nervous about putting my hands under the bonnet.

    Thanks a lot in advance! ??

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  • This is me I am using twenty ten child theme and created a and make modifications in child theme so that I do not run into theme problems as I know very well that when a update is released twenty ten theme will be updated as well so I fill that I do not have worry abut the theme not being compatible.

    As for plugins all the ones I am using are updated have not run into any problem yet.


    I did an automatic installer upgrade from

    2.8.4 straight to 3.1.3 today.

    Smooooth sailing. No problems.

    BUT caveot emptor. You’re mad if you don’t back up
    and test it yourself first as mileage may vary.

    BTW I think the next “major” release to WP 3.2 is days away
    which is why I upgraded now.

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