• Now that 2.0.11 is officially no longer being supported, it’s very smart of you folks out there still running 2.0.11 to upgrade as quickly as you can. You don’t want to risk being hacked.

    I wrote this tutorial to help you along the way. I recently upgraded our web design site and my personal blog from 2.0.11 all the way up without a hitch at all and am planning to upgrade my business partner’s blog tonight. BTW, my personal blog has gone from Blogger to Greymatter to MovableType to WordPress, and from WordPress 1.15 to 2.8.1 so it’s been through the ringer!!

    It can be done folks, you just need to do the upgrade when you are in a calm frame of mind, with no distractions, make sure you back up that database, stash it in more than one place just to be sure, and proceed with the baby steps outlined in my article.


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  • AUGH!!!!

    What a shame that I didn’t see this post https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/292715 yesterday! I have just upgraded from 2.0.11 to 2.8.4. In one fell swoop. Mostly it went well. Just a few glitches that had to be ironed out and I thought I was back on track.

    After wandering around in these forums to find out how to get rid of the sudden appearance of random ?s throughout my recently upgraded wordpress (from the legacy 2.0.11 to 2.8.4), it looks like figaro’s assessment at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/235662 is correct. And perhaps songdogtech’s advice here https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/310158 as well.

    I have several different character sets in the wordpress database. I have stared at figaro’s post and at the wordpress codex as well.


    Why on earth is there not a big huge red banner on the wordpress “upgrading from earlier installations” guide alerting people to this problem with the character sets? And a note that “links” are going to be changed into “bookmarks” AND renumbered?? And a strong recommendation to upgrade gradually?

    Okay, now that that is out of my system (sorry about that – please do feel free to dump the above post if it is too offensive), here is my question.

    I’m stuck on the very first step at https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Converting_Database_Character_Sets

    Place notice that blog is out of service

    How do I put the blog out of service? Is there some place in the wordpress dashboard that I can check to say “maintenance mode”?

    EMorris etherwork.net/blog 2.8.4 (WindowsXP, firefox)

    Thread Starter jonimueller


    Well, I have a placeholder file in the root of all my sites that matches the design that basically says that [name of site] is currently down for maintenance and also when I anticipate it to be back up (and to the actual time I *think* it will be up I add 2-2.5 hours!). I name the file sitedown.html. It resides in the root of my site. When I need it, I just go in via FTP and rename it to index.html and that way if someone surfs in by typing the base domain, they see this index.html file instead. When I’m done, I rename it sitedown.html until next time it’s needed.

    However, I do believe there is at least one plugin that does this automatically for you.

    And failing all of that, sometimes just a blog post telling everyone that you’ll be mucking around in your site for awhile is enough. ??

    Thank you, JoniMueller. This is essentially what I ended up doing – my placeholder file just has a different name. I used my 404 page as the template and when I was working on the site renamed to index.html

    The only thing I couldn’t decide about was whether to put a robots meta tag with “noindex, nofollow” or not. If the index file is marked “noindex, nofollow”, does that affect search engine placement?

    EMorris etherwork.net/blog 2.8.4 (WindowsXP, firefox) … steeling myself for the upgrade to 2.8.5 – sigh. This is EXACTLY why I left it in the legacy mode for so long. No need for upgrading every ten minutes.

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