• The guide in Codex to upgrading your blog WILL BREAK YOUR BLOG if you are upgrading to a nightly or cvs build just to see what it is like.

    The internal blog structure has changed.
    For this upgrade, that means it is a very specific procedure, but future upgrading will be that much easier.

    I have written the Upgrade Guide 1.2 > 1.5 and it has been tested by several people.

    It will be available when 1.5 is officially released and NOT before.
    Why not before ?
    1. Because until the code is final, it could change. So the guide would need to change.
    2. Because it is an unreleased product. I, and others, support the official release which, like it or not, remains 1.2.2

    On release, the guide will also be available in German, French and Finnish. If you can assist in translating it to another language, please get in touch with me.

    I have altered the Codex page.
    Bump this to keep it visible please.

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