• ResolvedPlugin Author Daniel Iser


    If you have this issue please add the following function to your themes functions.php file which will run once and import your modals.

    add_action('admin_init', 'fix_my_modals');
    function fix_my_modals()
    		if(emodal_get_option('EasyModal_Version') && !emodal_get_option(EMCORE_SLUG.'_migration_approval'))
    			new EModal_Migrate_Pre_V2;
    		emodal_update_option(EMCORE_SLUG.'_fix_my_modals', true);


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  • I added this function to my themes function.php file, but none of the modals are working still. Is there something else that I need to do?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    I am not aware of any issues and this has worked for everybody so far. If you are experienceing something different email me directly danieliser at wizardinternetsolutions.com so we can work out a solution as i will likely need at a minimum temporary admin access to see whats going on.

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