• Hi, I have started a host ssytem where all websites (count 3 as of today ?? share the same wordpress code, each website hs its own database

    the thing is, they all use various plugins suchas as SEO ultimate, WPML, verve meta boxes etc…

    I would like to perform worpdress core manual updates without deactivating plugins.

    this is because I’m afraid deactivating plugins would kill related configuration and content

    what potential harm could this cause ? I have previously performed such maintenance operations (replacing php / wp-admin / wp-includes) without deactivating plugins and oooo it worked

    just askin… Thanks for anwsers

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  • John


    SEO Ultimate’s settings will be maintained even if you deactivate it. This is true for basically all other WordPress plugins as well.

    Thread Starter erwanpia


    yes but that means I have to deactivate plugins on a lot of sites, any idea of consequence if I don’t and just upgrade ?

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