• Total novice here…

    I’m currently using WP 2.3.3 but want to upgrade to the latest, 2.5.1 and have the option via fantastico through my web host.

    My question is, if I do so will the theme I’m using (tiga 1.02) revert back to its original state and erase all of the customizations I have made?

    Thanks to anyone who can help…

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  • themes do not get overwritten when you upgrade WP versions

    consider installing the WP auto-upgrade plugin, to make te upgrade job easier


    themes do not get overwritten when you upgrade WP versions

    thats not necessarily accurate. the default theme has undergone quite a few iterations since its inception, and if you follow the upgrade instructions, the 2 themes in the zip will be overwritten.


    a more accurate answer is that you will not overwrite your custom theme, unless of course, you wipe the wp-content/themes/ completely before uploading the new files.

    Thread Starter diamondgenius


    So customizations shouldn’t be overwritten, pretty much unless I want them to be by taking the necessary steps before I upgrade?

    customizations within a theme that is NOT the default of classic — thats correct.

    Thread Starter diamondgenius


    When I go into fantastico, it tells me:

    Please read carefully

    Click on Upgrade only if
    – no files, languages, themes have been modified
    – you haven’t added mods to this installation of WordPress
    Info: Your current installation will be backed up.

    Click on Upgrade in order to proceed.

    And just to be sure, and I apologize for being so elementary about all of this, I’m still very new to this type of thing…

    The types of customizations I made to the theme were done by me going into wordpress and clicking presentation—edit theme— and then changing colors, spacing and things of that nature.

    But there is enough of it to make it a real headache if I lose it.

    Thread Starter diamondgenius


    Does that make sense?

    Once more:

    …customizations within a theme that is NOT the default or classic…

    So that’s the question which you have to answer: which theme do you use? IF you customized the default OR the classic theme THEN they will be overwritten ELSE they will not.

    In any case you can login via FTP and download your wp-content/themes/THE_THEME_YOU_USE (what ever is that) folder as a backup to your PC before starting the upgrade. If you see any troubles after upgrade you can upload it back. Getting a full DB backup won’t hurt you either.

    PS: Now if i were you, i would try to upgrade by myself following exactly the instructions here or i would try what stvwlf suggested without relying on fantastico. That will give you knowledge and experience and you will learn more about your installation. But i’m not you…

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