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  • No, because the upload date needs to stay intact to keep track of when the file was first uploaded. However, you can use the modification date if you want to show on the site when the file was last updated, using the shortcode mentioned in the docs:

    There is a shortcode available which picks up the file modification date and displays it in a post or a page. The code is:

    [file_modified id=XX format=XXXX]
    where the “id” is required and the “format” is optional and defaults to your current WordPress settings for date and time format.

    So [file_modified id=870] would display the last time the file with ID 870 was updated on your site. To get the ID for a file, check the URL when editing a file in the media library.

    If you want more control over the format used to display the time, you can use the format option, so [file_modified id=870 format=Y-m-d] would display the file modification date but not the time. The format string uses standard PHP date() formatting tags.

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