• Resolved med015


    Hi, It works fine with the classic cart & checkout ([woocommerce_cart] &[woocommerce_checkout] respectively). But I prefer woo blocks, They offer a modern cart and checkout pages. Thus, the ‘Uploaded file image’ does not appear.

    By the way, thanks for offering this feature for free.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Dhruvin


    Hello @med015

    Like we discussed, WooCommerce Blocks strips out all the HTML content part of the data and hence the images are not appearing.

    We will release an update this week with a patch that will ensure that atleast text is visible to indicate that the file has been uploaded and part of the cart.

    I shall notify here once the update is released.

    Best Regards,
    Dhruvin Shah

    Plugin Author Dhruvin


    Hello @med015

    We have just released an update to the plugin that will show a checkmark when the file is uploaded and present. Note that this will only appear when Cart and Checkout blocks are active on the page.

    Here is a screenshot of how it will appear: https://prnt.sc/MyzJcScuBuwc

    Please update to the latest version and let me know if there are any concerns or problems.

    Best Regards,
    Dhruvin Shah

    Thread Starter med015


    Thank you. I can see that green checkmark. very helpful

    Plugin Author Dhruvin


    Thank you for the confirmation @med015

    Can you please share a review of the plugin here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woo-addon-uploads/reviews/#new-post

    It will immensely help us maintain and improve the plugin going ahead.

    Best Regards,
    Dhruvin Shah

    Thread Starter med015


    Bug report: When you add a coupon code from cart & checkout, the green markcheck will disappear until you refresh the page.

    Plugin Author Dhruvin


    Hello @med015

    Sorry we missed your message. We were able to replicate the bug and have released an update (version 1.6.1)

    This release will have the fix for the bug when there are some changes on the Checkout page affecting the checkmark to disappear.

    Please let me know if you still face any difficulties.

    Best Regards,
    Dhruvin Shah

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