Help! Uploaded function page to wrong blog. Now said blog doesn't work.
Okay, so as I was making changes to WordPress on my new blog that’s in progress, I accidentally grabbed its function.php page and wrote over my old blog’s function.php.
Now the old blog looks like this, with a fatal error: error: Call to undefined function: is_multisite() in /nfs/c02/h10/mnt/40637/domains/ on line 3525
I tried uploading the original functions.php that went with that blog from 2008 to try to fix it, but that didn’t work. I’m guessing because I upgraded it back in March to WordPress 2.7. (At least, I think it was 2.7 back then.)
I tried using using the functions.php page from the most recent version of WordPress (3.0.1), but that didn’t work either.
How do I fix this? Do I need to use the function.php from Version 2.7 to make this work?
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