• I am having trouble with uploading images, once uploaded I am not allowed the option to choose Thumbnail / Medium / Large.

    Any help to resolve would be greatly appreciated.

    I have tried to regenerate using a plugin and use both uploaders to no avail. Also failed at searching for a solution. The image is within the parameters for being resized and I have have had success on other servers so didn’t know if there was an issue there at all.

    Any ideas??


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  • Hi,
    First of all I’d like to ask you to check the settings that you have in Dashboard -> settings -> media;
    make sure you have the correct sizes registered if you do, then using a ftp client you can check the uploads folder to see if the thumbnail/other sizes were genareted they suppose to have the size at the end of the name ex: imagename170x220.jpg
    Check this and well see where we are after this.

    Thread Starter remies


    Sorry for the lateness in replying, but indeed still having a problem with this.

    In answer to the above the sizes are correctly registered in the settings (150×150, 300×300, 500×500) however there are no generated images in the uploads folder.

    Any help greatly appreciated.


    I’d suggest to check the permissions on the upload folder to check it you can use filezilla(ftp client): right click on the folder and click on “File permission…” post back the current settings.

    Same problem here. Not resizing. But I know its not a wordpress configuration problem, not a permission problem, it’s a server problem.

    Just installed vps server, cpanel on centos 5.6. Installed php 5.3 with php-gd and all, also gave file permition 755 to the upload folder, but even like that I cant seem to be able to resize images during upload… what else do you guys have to pitch me?

    having same issue and i’m on a vps server – on shared hosting it works fine…. any suggestions???

    Same here with the new vps, works all good on shared hosting
    Any idea?



    I’m having the same issue too. Everything was working fine and then all of a sudden the featured image thumbnail are the original image size.

    Has anyone found a solution for this?



    I am having a similar problem. Here are the details.

    I am relatively new to WordPress. As per the documentation and a course I took on lynda.com, it states that multiple versions of images get created when an image is uploaded, based on image sizes specified in Setting->media. I however see just the original image getting uploaded. I have checked that there is a single image (the same one I uploaded) in the “uploads” directory. Multiple image sizes are not being created — so there is no <image name>-150×150.jpg etc. being created. Also, when I insert the image into a post, only the “Full size” option shows. There is no option to select “Thumbnail” or “”Medium” size etc. Following are the details regarding the site.

    – I have version 3.5.1 installed (I had the problem with version 3.5 also)
    – I am using the twentyeleven theme (although I have tried a couple of other themes and still have the problem)
    – The only two plugins installed ar the default one (Hello Dolly) and Akismet, neither of which is activated
    – I have a bare-bones site with minimal additional stuff and still have the problem
    – I am hosting my site locally on my system at this point since I am still learning
    – The memory_limit in php.ini is set to 256M
    – The image sizes I have tried are both, lower and higher than 1MB
    – The image property shows the image as: 2048x1536pixels
    – I have tried modifying image sizes under Settings->Media, but the behavior is still the same
    – I have tried adding images directly into the post, or just adding images via the Media Library, but the behavior is still the same

    What am I missing? Any help is much appreciated as I have been struggling with this for a while now.



    I’ve just discovered that the issue (at least my issue) relates to the Photon extension in Jetpack. Deactivating Photo fixed my images.

    am having the same issue! don’t know what to do!

    Any suggestions as to a fix for this??!

    @elektra3: As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic. Posting in an existing topic prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Added to which, your problem – despite any similarity in symptoms – is likely to be completely different.

    Hi, I had the same problem – thumbnails and other image sizes not being created.

    Found the solution for me here: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/85803/no-thumbnails-generated

    Basically, I didn’t have the php_gd extension enabled.

    For me, running a linux on amazon EC2 instance, I just had to run

    sudo yum install php-gd
    sudo service httpd restart

    and all my problems were fixed. Hope this helps someone.

    It would be useful if the php extensions and wordpress dependencies were listed, perhaps on this page https://www.ads-software.com/about/requirements/

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