• Hi I have my own hosting at godaddy.com. It’s been there for years but I have no site because I can’t figure out how to build one. Someone showed me wordpress. I have uploaded 6 of them into godaddy but I still have no templates. I have tried without success to learn wordpress for about 3 months now, but frankly I am just barely managing html and all I see here over and over is references to CSS, PHP and XMHTL. Surely I don’t have to learn all of that to use wordpress. Yikes!

    I get in and I read till I could drop because I have no idea how to get back to anything. Needless to say I can’t remember everything I read and half of it is geek to me, which makes it useless.

    Totally by accident I found some templates on google and one I think I would like to try to use. I have searched the forum and the only thing that comes close to what I want to know doesn’t come close at all. First off I keep reading about compatiblity. How do I know if it is compatible? And compatible with what? Second I went to the theme folder up on my ftp, and it has 2 more folders in it. One says default and one says classic. What do I have to upload, download, and or delete to get the template I would like to use uploaded to my wordpress and active? How do I point the wordpress toward what ever I have to point it to, to make it work?

    Help would be very appreciated. Thank you

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  • Hey my advice would be get a web design program like drewmweaver, once this is set up, you can upload with ftp to your host (godaddy.com) and design your own website with lots of freedowm. You can deal with basic html design, and then learn the css, etc, as you go along. designing the site is easy, and dreamweaver has templets to help get you stated. If you need more information email me at [email protected], for I might not check back here. RL.

    Hey I’m in the same boat…my daughters away at school,so I am really struggling now because I can’t grab her when I need her for some advice.But maybe I can offer a little insight.

    If you have a few domains, a host and you have found WordPress … that’s a great beginning. And besides that you have discovered and realize that you need the FTP utility in order to transfer info from the hard drive on your computer to your WordPress blog.

    Now when you open the FTP program all the info from your hard drive should automatically be displayed, next you need to connect to your hosted account at WordPress. So, one pane has the hard drive info, the next pane should be blank … you need to click the blank pane in order to create a remote connection. Now if you already set-up the FTP program, after establishing that link the file that you created when you set up the account should appear in the blank pane. Click the file name and press connect and a list of everything that has been saved will show up.

    Next click wp-content,click themes. So now, on the remote pane you well have the category themes visible, next you should go back to your hard drive side and search your file listings until you locate the themes that you previously downloaded, next you click one of them. Find the arrow or whatever tool your FTP program has for transferring a file from one pane to the next and click it.

    Wait until it loads, then you need to log into wordpress ‘what-ever-your-site-name-is.com/wp-admin’ and click the ‘design/theme tab’ and your theme should be visible.

    I hope there is something here that will make your journey easier…

    Have A Great Day … 8o)

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