• Hi, would like some help and advise.
    ive just upgraded to wordpress 3.3 my nextgen gallery version 1.9.1

    1. i tried to upload images into existing gallery but the images are not loading.
    tried creating a new gallery to upload these images, it is still the same.

    2. under my nextgen gallery options,

    general options

    when i click thumbnail, the general option page appears
    when i click images, the thumbnail page appears
    when click on slideshow, watermark page appears leaving no slideshow page to click for edit.

    could someone help to advise to rectify the above two problem. thanks an appreciate


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  • @ Alex : Where is the new “scale down option” before I start to upload?

    All I have is 2 options to upload photos.

    1. Media > Add New > Select Files > Open a photo from PC …which then lists the jpeg in the upload media section and results in:
    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 68681728) (tried to allocate 19008 bytes) in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 258 when showing 100% in right hand box

    2 Media > Add New > Browser Uploader link > Browse > Open a photo from PC > Upload > takes a good 30 seconds to try and load and stops this time, then displays exactly the same error as above: i.e.
    Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 68681728) (tried to allocate 19008 bytes) in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line 258

    ..but displays this on a white web page and we have to hit the back button to get back into WP.

    So where is the new scale down option to resize a photo before Selecting it or Opening it, exactly?

    The two plugins I have are deactivated whilst I’m doing this. Photos are Jpegs 4-5MB in size, and we should be able to upload a maximum file size of 64MB to store in the library …so uhm, any ideas?

    I already deactivated all the plugins and the problem isn’t solved

    I tested in firefox (latest version) and IE8 too. And the problem continues…

    Some other solution?

    @pete Lo : sorry for confusing , I’m talking about NextGEN Gallery plugin and not the general core media upload

    @ Alex : Oh, ok. …Why talk about a plugin instead of making the core WP media upload system upload up to the max specified 64MB, when it’s not uploading even 5MB? You kinda lost me there.

    The only 2 plugins I have are the All in one SEO Pack and GRAND Flash Album Gallery, so yes I’ve tried uploading them through that gallery plugin and it didn’t work. Same problem, unfortunately.

    I’ve also uploaded them DIRECT to wp-content via Hostgator’s Cpanel BUT they are not loading fully in the library, and when you click on View the error code displays.

    I’ve also uploaded a few test 5MB photos via CP into the flash gallery plugin ..so I doubt NextGEN would differ …but I’m guessing the key here you’re getting at is in resizing them first so they are under 4MB, yes? Or better still, much nearer to 1-2MB if poss if it doesn’t lose quality, so I’ll give it a whirl and come back and report.

    (Of course, you’re completely sidestepping making your core media upload system work properly in this 3.3 upgrade, but hey if it gives some of us a work around for a while then let’s test it).

    Back soon…

    Hiya Alex,

    Yes, happily I can confirm that your resizing sidestep before uploading photos by using the NextGEN plugin, and then uploading them through that plugin’s interface and not via WP’s core media uploading system, has worked in uploading the photos I have that were all originally 4-5MB in size. …and they’ve fully loaded in that plugin’s library space.


    So there you have it folks. A temporary sidestep to try whilst WP programmers figure out what’s going on with their uploading bug in this new 3.3 upgrade.

    And, even better, when they do finally fix the bug, you’ll still be operating on 3.3 and won’t have to move your photos anywhere, unless you really want to via your Cpanel.

    Cheers Alex.

    What bug? There is a 2MB limit on file size using the wp flash or html uploader. The uploader clearly states the limit so why would you expect to be able to load in excess of that?

    Just trying to understand not stir the pot.

    @kmessinger :

    In my WP 3.3 upgrade under media > add new > upload new media, it says:

    “You are using the browser’s built-in file uploader. The new WordPress uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. Switch to the new uploader.

    Maximum upload file size: 64MB. After a file has been uploaded, you can add titles and descriptions.”

    So my WP 3.3 media uploader ‘clearly states the limit’ on file size as up to 64MB, so that’s why I expected to be able to upload a mere 5MB photo with no probs when I upgraded.

    And it would only upload my 1-2MB file size photos hence me coming here.

    Makes sense? …and Alex has sorted a sidestep way of uploading for now whilst they look into it. See above.

    Mine says (on 3 different sites all upgraded to 3.3 and have run the beta and rc versions).

    Upload New Media
    You are using the multi-file uploader. Problems? Try the browser uploader instead.

    Maximum upload file size: 2MB. After a file has been uploaded, you can add titles and descriptions.

    If you switch to twenty eleven do you get the same message?


    Yes. I’ve just switched my theme to Twenty Eleven for you and activated it and it still says exactly the same in media > add new > upload new media. i.e.

    “You are using the browser’s built-in file uploader. The new WordPress uploader includes multiple file selection and drag and drop capability. Switch to the new uploader.

    Maximum upload file size: 64MB. After a file has been uploaded, you can add titles and descriptions”

    I would have thought it would be the same for everyone else who is on WP 3.3 no matter what theme folks are using so I haven’t a clue why yours is showing 2MB max file upload size, and not the normal 64MB.

    …but if you want to see how I’ve managed to use Alex’s sidestep tip using the NextGEN plugin and resizing my 5MB photos automatically by just ticking a box before uploading them then just go here for proof – https://fyldevintageandfarmshow.co.uk/gallery/

    I’m in the process of uploading and altering things now so am happy enough to finally get my images up. Been a frustrating 30 hours, lol.

    Hope this helps anyone. Ciaooo for now..

    Actually, https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Inserting_Images_into_Posts_and_Pages shows a 1GB maximum for wp 3.3

    Themes do mess with the backend. I ran 3.3 on 8 different themes with no problems but then I did not try to upload large image files. I will replace some files and see if I can get the limit as per the Codex.

    I am having similar problems. On trying to upload a new image, when clicking the upload media icon nothing happens. On trying to edit an image in an existing post, the screen dims but nothing happens. I can however upload images through the Media up-loader (but not insert them through the visual editor into the posts).

    I have switched back to the Twenty Eleven theme, turned off the one plugin I am using, cleared my cache, contacted the server techs to update all the PHP libraries.

    My husband is getting an error message in Firebug saying “Postboxes is not defined”. I am using Firefox 8.0.1, IE 8 and Chrome 16.0.912.63 m.

    Looking around the forums, this is a known issue. Is there a fix or workaround for those affected yet?

    I have the same issue. I’m using the latest version of Chrome for OS X. The button and alternative link on the “upload new media” page simply don’t do anything.

    I think we can confirm that it is a mistake of the last update of wordpress, I can not wait to find a solution on this forum and I had to pay to fix this inconvenience … I am receiving many complaints from my customers!

    They use a form to send his images but now these images are not attached in the post that my clients have created .. a disaster.

    When I find a solution I will try to share.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    It’s not a consistant issue, and it’s actually not that common (people are ‘nosier’ when things break).

    Make sure you’ve tried EVERYTHING listed in https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/troubleshooting-wordpress-33-master-list

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