• Hello. I have installed the update of wordpress and now after 12 yrs, my wordpress cannot find my server. I uploaded a video on my cpanel and wordpress cannot find it anymore. I have not done anything different. I contacted my server and they said the following: It seems the issue is related to the code of the app itself. WordPress is not able to detect the video and display it.

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  • Thread Starter missnavigator05


    Well let me clarify, it wordpress will allow me to upload, like I normally add a media file but it has to be small. I tried to upload a 1.3gb file and it gives me the following error message: 413 Request Entity Too Large

    I sent this message to my server and they told me to add the file to my cpanal, in which I did. But my wordrpess cannot see the file and my server gave me the following message: It seems the issue is related to the code of the app itself. WordPress is not able to detect the video and display it.

    Can someone please help me or fix the app with another update?

    Thank you….


    You would need to import the media id into database too for it to be displayed in the Media Library. You can use this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/media-sync/

    Please be aware that every WordPress installation is unique, and there may be instances where this plugin does not function as expected.

    Thread Starter missnavigator05


    You have no idea how happy I am that you reached out. I did what you stated. Uploaded the plugin. I used it to scan the server. It found the file that I uploaded on my cpanel. I had the plugin import the file. It said it was successful. So I went into my media and it is still not there.

    @missnavigator05 ??

    I think its cause of the large file size.

    You would need to increase the file upload size in WordPress. Here is how: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-increase-the-maximum-file-upload-size-in-wordpress/comment-page-3/

    The message

    413 Request Entity Too Large

    means that your server does not allow files of this size to be uploaded. To be more precise, it is a security restriction on the nginx web server. Your host, who is responsible for these settings, blames WordPress for the reason, which is not true.

    Whether you can upload the file completely via cPanel depends on whether this restriction also applies there or not. You should check the success via FTP and I would recommend paying close attention to the file size there. If you want to synchronize an incompletely uploaded file in WordPress via the above-mentioned plugin, it could fail because WordPress does not recognize it as a media file due to its incompleteness. Then this method would not work either.

    In my opinion, you have 3 options:
    a) Upload the file via FTP (not in cPanel). There should be no restriction here, unless your host has set one up.
    b) Ask support to adjust the maximum size mentioned above in nginx. However, for security reasons alone, they are unlikely to agree to this.
    c) Upload the file somewhere else. If it is a video, there are many platforms suitable for this, starting with YouTube.

    And a general tip (especially for point c))): a file this large must also be accessed by a visitor to your website. Each individual access then causes 1.3 GB of traffic. So check how much traffic your contract with your hoster actually allows. If you reach the limits here, your hoster could also throttle the speed of your hosting or block you completely. Hosting videos somewhere else is therefore definitely preferable.

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