• I was having a devil of a time u/l my WP files today. So much so that I was locked out FOUR times from my FTP client. My hosting support claims…

    “IP blocks were caused by the FTP client which tried to upload all your WordPress files at once. This is not possible as FTP client needs one opened port to upload one file..”

    WHA? You can’t upload all files at once?!?

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  • Ahhhh, no. You can only upload or download one file at a time. A normal ftp program would do just that. There is a misunderstanding between your host and you and most likely on your host’s side.

    FTP client which tried to upload all your WordPress files at once

    I really don’t think that is possible for an ftp program to do. It just does not work that way.

    Thread Starter Gnaws


    Thanks, kmessinger. I just wanted someone else to validate what I suspected.


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