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  • Plugin Author Rinat


    Make sure that Auto-approve registered users files is not checked, otherwise your photo will be auto-approved. Also “Add new” doesn’t really do anything. Uploads are supposed to happen on user-facing part of your site, not wp-admin.

    Thread Starter Lew1981


    okay how do i make the uploads go to the UGC category in posts because right now it isnt

    Thread Starter Lew1981


    right now when a upload its submitted the file and the post comment just goes to my media library i have posts selected in the categories and i have the page ID that i want it go to in the “allowed categories” area.



    Same here. Sounded so cool. I was thinking that it would make a page for each one. After submitting I have one in my media library, approve and it’s gone. Then I found it with the other 3 I posted on the first page titled “boogie” which is what I titled the post and with no text. I’m too tired I guess, sad. I will look back in here later. Thanks!



    Opps, follow up notify check box…

    Plugin Author Rinat


    Lew1981, OhSnap,

    Images are getting attached to the post, they are not inserted into post content as HTML but if you click Media -> and select ‘Uploaded to this post’ you’ll see your images.

    Check out there’s “category” shortcode parameter.



    Hi there, I have just installed this plugin, and I’m wanting to show the uploaded files via the Q and A FAQ and Knowledge Base for WordPress plugin. The file upload works but goes into Media > Manage UCG when I need it to go into FAQs > Manage UCG. I have checked the FAQs option under Enable Frontend Uploader for the following post types.

    If I approve the file, it goes to the Media library. Do you know how I can make it go to the FAQs area instead please?

    Plugin Author Rinat



    Try something like [fu-upload-form post_type='faq' form_layout='post_image']

    post_type parameter should be equal to your post type slug.



    Hi Rinat, thank you so much – that worked a treat ??

    Plugin Author Rinat


    marking as resolved

    Hi, how do I allow the images or files uploaded to appear inside the post?

    Please Help!!!!

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