• Resolved elliesatt


    Hi there – currently the upvotes generated don’t seem to be picked up as schema – is there a way to register this as the upvoteCount schema property? Thanks!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author natekinkead


    That’s a fantastic suggestion! I’m putting that on my list.

    Plugin Author natekinkead


    @zee300 , I implemented schema Q&A rich snippet data in the pro version of my plugin. https://wpforthewin.com/product/bbpress-voting-pro/

    The rich snippet data includes the question, the accepted answer, and the next top 2 answers by voting score as suggested answers. Each answer also shows the number of upvotes.

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    That’s a great implementation! But whaaat – any complimentary love for the person who suggested said awesome pro feature? ??

    Plugin Author natekinkead


    @zee300, you have a great point! I made a one-time use coupon for you to get it free for the first year. Use coupon code THX-SCHEMA-IDEA

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    I couldn’t use it though, I’m assuming I should enter it in https://wpforthewin.com/cart/?

    I get “Sorry, this coupon is not applicable to selected products.”

    Did someone else already use this?!

    Plugin Author natekinkead


    Oops, I set up the coupon wrong. I fixed it. Please try again.

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    Thanks! I’ve activated it and installed it OK (I think), but I seem to have discovered a bug – the Pro version shows ‘who voted’ even though the Show Who Voted option is checked off. I’ve tried switching it on and off and it doesn’t clear the bug.

    See images here:
    https://imgur.com/a/eLfX9SB – ‘who voted’ shows up…
    https://imgur.com/a/qqPYKoI – …but my settings have the option unchecked

    Help? Thanks!

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    Also, the accepted answer feature doesn’t seem to be working in my setup

    It’s currently switched on, but I don’t seem to see it: https://300hours.com/forum/

    And can admin also accept answers on behalf of others, for housekeeping and moderation purposes?

    Plugin Author natekinkead


    @zee300 , thanks for letting me know about the issue with not being able to disable the “who voted” feature. I fixed it and released an update.

    I also released an update the fixes an issue with the jump to accepted answer feature not showing up on the lead topic. However, I’m not sure if that’s the issue you have.

    Currently, only the author of the post can select an accepted answer. I’ll put it on my list to have the option for administrators to select accepted answers.

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    Sounds good. However, I can’t seem to update the Pro plugin. See screenshots:

    Can’t download bbPress Voting Pro!

    Plugin Author natekinkead


    Sorry about that. I did a quick update right after I released to that version, but your install must have grabbed that old link. I just did a version bump to which should work now.

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    Sorry, I’m still getting the same issue. It does say now, but the same issue persists.

    Am I supposed to have the ‘normal’ bbp Voting plugin installed as well?

    Plugin Author natekinkead


    Yes, you are supposed to have the free plugin and the pro plugin active together. I tested some of my other sites updating to Pro version and it worked fine. Is your host not able to connect to my website to download the update?

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    I get:

    This wpforthewin.com page can’t be foundNo web page was found for the web address: https://wpforthewin.com/?thlm_id=25594&thlm_download_id=962d1a9d-c529-42eb-9760-1738abf04de2
    HTTP ERROR 404

    Thread Starter elliesatt


    In my WPforthewin account, it says that I have no more downloads available for bbPress Voting Pro. Could this be the issue?

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