• Resolved bytesmasher


    [Moderator note : “[URGENT]” removed from topic – if you need urgent help, consider hiring someone; these are free, 100% volunteer forums]

    In the bulk_quick_edit_custom_box function, $column_name for CPTonomy columns is returning taxonomy- as a prefix instead of custom-post-type-onomies- as a prefix…. resulting in the batch edit function not showing any CPTonomies. I REALLY need this function right now, as I have a new site going live, and I need to batch assign CPTonomies to my content.


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  • As of 3.5, WordPress allows you to add a taxonomy column by a register_taxonomy() setting so I don’t add my own columns anymore but instead integrate the default WordPress taxonomy columns.

    With that said, there should be a “Show Admin Column” setting in the “Register this Custom Post Type as a CPT-onomy” section of your settings page to add the column.

    Thread Starter bytesmasher


    Ah, I see that setting now… but for some reason when I click “True” (which appears to be the default setting anyway, it’s bolded) and then attempt to update the settings, it won’t update.

    Any tips on using register_taxonomy? My brain is almost broken right now =\

    Thread Starter bytesmasher


    hmm…. wouldn’t using register_taxonomy to register CPTonomy taxonomies conflict with CPTonomies?

    Thread Starter bytesmasher


    Actually, I’m really confused now… the columns are there, they just don’t function in the batch editor ??

    Ok. I’m sorry. I thought this was sounding familiar and it does because I fixed this bug for my next update.

    Open your admin.php file and replace the bulk_quick_edit_custom_box() function with the following:

    public function bulk_quick_edit_custom_box( $column_name, $post_type ) {
       global $cpt_onomies_manager;
       // allows bulk and quick edit whether the column was added via WordPress register_taxonomy() or CPT-onomies.
       // WP < 3.5 is added via CPT-onomies, WP >= 3.5 is added via register_taxonomy()'s 'show_admin_column'.
       $taxonomy = NULL;
       if ( strpos( $column_name, CPT_ONOMIES_UNDERSCORE ) !== false )
          $taxonomy = strtolower( str_replace( CPT_ONOMIES_UNDERSCORE . '_', '', $column_name ) );
       else if ( strpos( $column_name, 'taxonomy-' ) !== false )
          $taxonomy = strtolower( str_replace( 'taxonomy-', '', $column_name ) );
       if ( $taxonomy && taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) && $cpt_onomies_manager->is_registered_cpt_onomy( $taxonomy ) ) {
          $tax = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
          ?><fieldset class="inline-edit-col-center inline-edit-<?php echo $taxonomy; ?>"><div class="inline-edit-col">
             <span class="title inline-edit-<?php echo $taxonomy; ?>-label"><?php echo esc_html( $tax->labels->name ) ?>
                <span class="catshow">[<?php _e( 'more', CPT_ONOMIES_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?>]</span>
                <span class="cathide" style="display:none;">[<?php _e( 'less', CPT_ONOMIES_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?>]</span>
             <ul class="cat-checklist cpt-onomy-checklist cpt-onomy-<?php echo esc_attr( $taxonomy )?>">
                <?php wp_terms_checklist( NULL, array( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'walker' => new CPTonomy_Walker_Terms_Checklist() ) ); ?>
             <?php // these variables help with processing/saving the info ?>
             <input type="hidden" name="is_bulk_quick_edit" value="true" />
             <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo 'assign_cpt_onomies_' . $taxonomy . '_rel'; ?>" value="true" />

    Also, replace the add_cpt_onomy_admin_column() function:

    public function add_cpt_onomy_admin_column( $columns, $post_type='page' ) {
    		global $cpt_onomies_manager;
    		foreach( get_object_taxonomies( $post_type, 'objects' ) as $taxonomy => $tax ) {
    			// make sure its a registered CPT-onomy
    			if ( $cpt_onomies_manager->is_registered_cpt_onomy( $taxonomy ) ) {
    				// "show_admin_column" works for you but you still have capability
    				// to remove column, via filter, if desired. In this case,
    				// "show_admin_column" must already be set to true, which is similar
    				// to previous setup where the column was added by default and you
    				// just used the filter to remove it.
    				if ( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) >= 3.5 ) {
    					// if the column already exists, this filter allows you
    					// to remove the column by returning false.
    					if ( array_key_exists( 'taxonomy-' . $taxonomy, $columns )
    						&& ! apply_filters( 'custom_post_type_onomies_add_cpt_onomy_admin_column', true, $taxonomy, $post_type ) ) {
    						// remove the column
    						unset( $columns[ 'taxonomy-' . $taxonomy ] );
    				// backwards compatability
    				else {
    					// this filter allows you to remove the column by returning false
    					if ( apply_filters( 'custom_post_type_onomies_add_cpt_onomy_admin_column', ( isset( $tax->show_admin_column ) && ! $tax->show_admin_column ) ? false : true, $taxonomy, $post_type ) ) {
    						// want to add before comments and date
    						$split = -1;
    						$comments = array_search( 'comments', array_keys( $columns ) );
    						$date = array_search( 'date', array_keys( $columns ) );
    						if ( $comments !== false || $date !== false ) {
    							if ( $comments !== false && $date !== false )
    								$split = ( $comments < $date ) ? $comments : $date;
    							else if ( $comments !== false && $date === false )
    								$split = $comments;
    							else if ( $comments === false && $date !== false )
    								$split = $date;
    						// new column
    						$new_column = array( CPT_ONOMIES_UNDERSCORE . '_' . $taxonomy => __( $tax->label, CPT_ONOMIES_TEXTDOMAIN ) );
    						// add somewhere in the middle
    						if ( $split > 0 ) {
    							$beginning = array_slice( $columns, 0, $split );
    							$end = array_slice( $columns, $split );
    							$columns = $beginning + $new_column + $end;
    						// add at the beginning
    						else if ( $split == 0 )
    							$columns = $new_column + $columns;
    						// add at the end
    							$columns += $new_column;
    		return $columns;
    Thread Starter bytesmasher


    Awesome! That worked brilliantly! Thank you so much ??

    stress –;

    Good. Glad to help. ??

    thank you for this wonderful plugin!

    Concerning that issue:
    I have replaced the codes you mentioned above. I see the columns, I see the items in the bulk and quick edit mode. But…

    Quick edit mode saves normal the value that I put.
    Bulk edit mode doesn’t.

    I would appreciate your reply!

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