• Resolved iamganesh


    Hello Team,

    After the latest update, the square gateway is not working for logged-out users.
    Showing the below notice:

    Error log:
    WordPress database error Table ‘vewemogi.wp_woocommerce_square_customers’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT square_id FROM wp_woocommerce_square_customers WHERE email_address = ‘[email protected]

    It is working fine for logged-in users.

    #What I tried.
    – Already reinstalled the plugin.
    – Checked the same scenario at 2 other sites, and still the same issue.
    – Only WooCommerce, Elementor, and Woocommerce square are activated.

    Please take a look and resolve this issue ASAP.


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  • Plugin Support 3 Sons Development – a11n


    Hi @iamganesh,

    Sorry to hear about the trouble that you’ve encountered here. When you say you reinstalled the plugin. Did you disable it and then enable it as part of that.

    This should trigger the database table to be created. If it doesn’t, make sure that the database user that WordPress is assigned to has permission to create tables.

    If you still have trouble, could you please send me a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, you can paste it here.


    Thread Starter iamganesh


    Hello @3sonsdevelopment,

    Tried both, deactivate – activate & Delete => Install => Activate

    I tested it on two websites ( Different hosts) and still have the same issue.

    I am looking forward to fixing it.

    Plugin Support 3 Sons Development – a11n


    Hey @iamganesh,

    Thanks for trying that. We’ve opened up a bug report about this with the developers so they can work on a solution. So far we can reproduce and see that the table isn’t created and this database error is logged but we haven’t been able to run into any problems with checking out.

    Could you please send me a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, you can paste it here.

    Let us know and we’ll go from there.


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