• Resolved mandarke


    This is a website I installed for a local charity using the ‘Aligned’ theme – they do very important work so it’s crucial that the problem be fixed soon…

    The site is called Nightstop. As you can see, only the ‘Home’ page is left in the menu bar – the others (6 other pages) have just disappeared. I’ve not changed anything lately, and it was working fine last time I checked.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve? Greatly appreciated!

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  • Looks like the menu bar is back now but you have two HOME links. Try removing the hard-coded Home link just before wp_list_pages().

    Thread Starter mandarke


    OK! Problem resolved – it was a problem with an un-updated plugin. Phew!

    Thread Starter mandarke


    Thanks for the advice esmi – yes I just temporarily deactivated the ‘exclude pages’ function. Appreciate the offer of help – all the best!

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