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  • Hi @clou0441,

    Sorry that you’ve to face the issue, I know its really late to reply you, as your site went down.

    If you’ve FTP access or shell access, can you check the debug log and remove the plugin.

    Please paste the debug log here.


    Hey there.

    We haven’t heard from you in awhile, so I just wanted to check in to make sure all was good.

    This thread was marked resolved, but please, if you still need help then just respond and open it back up. We can then take it from there. ??

    Hope you have a fantastic day!

    Hi there, my website has done the same thing….Really need this fixed asap! Anything you can do to help would be great!

    Hi @jennifermoher,

    If you have access to FTP, remove the plugin directory.

    That might help you.


    Hi Umesh, I have no clue how to access FTP. WHy would this have happened??

    Hi @jennifermoher,

    Thanks for your question. I’ve mentioned more in your recent post but it’s possible your site had limited memory or server resources (if you’re using shared hosting, you might be limited with cpu power), that could cause a 500 server error, which might be what you’re seeing.

    We’ll gladly look into that with your recent post. How does that sound?

    Cheers, David

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