• mickthemaker


    Hello CMP developers,

    like many others I currently face the issue, that I’m somewhat stuck on the Maintenance / Coming Soon site. It occurs when disabling CMP and caching the website. My actual website does not show, I only see this text in the frontend:

    Login | Maintanance | Technical break | Przerwa techniczna | Technischer bruch […].

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Navigate to the CMP Plugin in the WP backend
    2. Change the CMP Status from Enabled to Disabled.
    3. Cache website
    4. Log out of the WP backend
    5. Result: Visitors do not see the theme in the frontend, only the described text above.

    Furthermore, I am also facing issues in the WordPress backend when interacting with the CMP plugin. When I’m clicking on the Advanced tab or saving my settings anywhere, this JSON is output: {“success”:true,”size”:”0 bytes”,”file_count”:0}. Pretty sure this is not supposed to be the case.

    WordPress Version: 6.4.2
    CMP Version: 4.1.10

    There are no debug log entries.

    Thank you and best regards

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  • Plugin Author Ales


    Guys, there is no need to manually delete settings from database or FTP. This is a issue caused by caching – either some caching plugin you are using or your hosting provider.

    You can check thisby accessing your website with some parameter like www.yourwebsite.com/?param=new that will usually force plugins or server to serve latest website without cache.


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