Hello, hope you are well!
After testing my website a few days I know where is the problem but I don’t know how to solve it.
As I told you before, I have a wordpress multisite with to blogs.
If I go to the admin of the second blog and I click on the LogOut button, wordpress change the url in the db.
I have mysite.com and mysite.com/en, after logout, the url of the second blog change to mysite.com.
Each time I logout from the second blog admin I have to go to my phpadmin and change the siteurl field value on the wp_3_options table.
What the hell I am doing wrong??? jejeje I am getting crazy with this small but anoying problem.
I have tried to trace the logout process to see if I see where it is the problem but I can’t, I have no idea what is going on.
Do you know what could I do???